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Alina had called for all of the citizens of Ponyville to come to the town hall for an important message and request. The town hall was crowded and The Princess and the Gods were inside preparing for it. 

Henus- How are you going to do this? It wouldn't be taken good if we say there are multiple powerful people who want to kill you. Wanna help us kill them instead? 

Alina- We've prepared this, They'll listen to me. You have to trust in that.

Theodon- Alina... With All due Respect. I think that Twilight should take this. 

Alina- Why? My subjects will listen to--

Theodon- Because they have to. We're not drafting an army we're getting those who actually want to fight. I think it'd sound better coming from someone who's actually built some form of respect here. Rather than a figure of power. 

Alina -Twilight? 

Twilight- I... I don't think that's a good idea. I mean, yes I've been here the longest, but it wouldn't sound good coming from me. Especially since what happened with Po'dule... it wouldn't sound good. 

Theodon- You've changed since what happened with Po'Dule, hell that was so long ago you've changed so much you're almost unrecognizable!

Twilight- Theodon, please.

Theodon- Twilight, you need to trust me that It'll work. Twilight, I don't think you've understood how far you've bounded from where you've started. You went from running away from Apostles to defeating Gods! Twilight, you've done so much that you have no idea of what you can do. From this point on I'm gonna look towards you in big situation, but ask yourself... can you step into the spotlight? 

Fluttershy- I'm going to have to agree with Theodon, Twilight. They'll understand you rather than listen to you.

Rainbow- You Got this Twi!

Twilight- Alright... Fine. Let's do this, Princess Celestia, I'll talk to the ponies, I can get them to help us. 

The Ponies were gathered outside, and when the Princesses and Gods walked out the crowd went silent. 

Alina- Citizens of Ponyville, we brought you all here to request something from you. And while I may lead you, there is someone who it would be better said from, Twilight Sparkle has bene through a lot with you all, She has caused a lot of pain, yes. But She has saved you time and time again, please, listne to her. And then listen to your heart for what she is about to ask. Thank you

Twilight- Um, hello everypony. Uh, I... I, uh, wanted to talk to you all today, um, about... about something important. 

She nervously glanced back at Theoden, Alina, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash, who give her reassuring nods.

Twilight- You see, um, there's, uh, this... this, um, matter that, uh, needs our attention. And, uh, well, I think it's, uh, really important that we all... uh... come together to, um... address it. Yeah, that's it.

Alina- Oh no.

She takes a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts.

Twilight- So, um, as you all know, Ponyville is, uh, a really special place. We, uh, have harmony and friendship, and, uh, cupcakes!

Theodon- She's choking... 

 A nervous giggle escapes her lips as she glances back at her friends for reassurance.

Twilight- But, um, lately, uh, there have been, uh, some... some issues. Um, like, um, oh, I don't know, uh, Gods coming down to kill us or, um, uh, godly mishaps happening more frequently. And I, um, I think we need to... uh, do something about it.

She looks back at her friends, who are now silently mouthing words of encouragement.

Twilight- So, um, I'm asking for, uh, your help. Yes, your help! Because, uh, together we can, um, overcome any challenge! We can, uh, restore peace and harmony to all of Equestria! Um, right?

The crowd murmurs in agreement, some ponies nodding enthusiastically.

Twilight- So, um, who's with me? Who's, uh, willing to, uh, lend a hoof and, uh, make Ponyville the best it can be?

The crowd listened attentively at first, but as Twilight's nervousness becomes more pronounced, some ponies begin to exchange uncertain glances and shuffle their hooves.

Twilight- I-I know it might seem, um, scary or daunting, but, uh...but together  we can do anything! We've faced challenges before, and, uh,...we've always come through stronger because of it. So... so I'm asking you all to, um... to join us in this endeavor. To lend your hooves and your hearts to, um,...to help Equestria thrive!

As Twilight fumbled with her words, the crowd's enthusiasm begins to wane. Some ponies start to drift away, muttering amongst themselves.

Twilight- Please, everypony, don't, uh, don't go! We need you! Ponyville needs you! I-I promise, together we can make a difference! We can... we can--

Theodon covered her mouth and shoved her to the side. 

Theodon- Please Stay here for 5 minutes as we'll be right back!

They went inside the town hall to where Twilight teared up and sat down.

Twilight- I Screwed up! I'm so sorry, Theodon!

Theodon- Calm down, you're saying the right stuff you're just stammering. You're trying to do it like us. Don't do it how Theodon or Celestia would. Do it how Twilight would, okay? 

Twilight- No... I don't think I can. 

Alina- Twilight, throughout all my years teaching you, there hasn't been one moment where I have doubted your potential and ability to lead. I knew that time would becoming when you started learning your way through this whole event. Now is your time, your time to rise to your throne in Equestria. This, Twilight, is where your journey begins.  

Theodon- Twilight, you got this. Just calm down, breathe, and do it how Twilight would. 

Twilight wiped her tears and got up. 

Twilght- Alright... Do it how Twilight would do it... 

The group left the town hall and thankfully the crowd was still there. Twilight took the podium and looked ahead. 

Henus- I think she can take it from here, Theodon. It's your turn now. 

Theodon- Who knew this would really be coming, Alina. 

Alina- Don't be surprised when we Win, Theodon.

Theodon chucked and hugged Alina. 

Theodon- Thank you, for everything. 

Henus opened a portal and walked in. 

Theodon- No turning back. 

Alina- See you on the other side.

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