Declaration (Mid-Season 2 Finale)

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Twilight- So, do we have an agreement?

Theodon- well, if you girls think that you're up to it?

All 6- Yes!!

But within the second, Twilight's treehouse was destroyed by some type of meteor or a strike

Twilight- That's my treehouse!!

Applejack- We just can't catch a break can we?!

Twilight- well I think we can take it o—

The immense feeling of hatred shot through the air, it made the air itself thicken and a creature of magma and lava walk out of the rubble

Theodon- Impossible

Spike- Twilight... You... You killed her!!

Twilight- Who are you?! How dare you destroy my home!!

Spike stood up from the rubble and looked at the group with a a stare to kill an army

Spike- You took everything from me... And you don't even remember me...

Theodon- This aura... it can't be... Spike... how are you here?!

Twilight- S...Spike... is that you?

Spike- Twilight... you killed her... YOU KILLED HER!!!!

Spike launched at Twilight but Theodon pinned him down before he could strike her

Theodon- Spike! Calm Down!!

Spike looked at Theodon and his raged boiled over

Spike- GET OFF OF ME!!

An explosion released from Spike's mouth blowing all of them back and Spike stands up enraged

Spike- All of you... will burn... Equestria will pay for her life!

Spike flies away and leaves all of them shocked

Twilight- What just happened?

Null Realm

Ihmir hears a knock on his door and opens it to find Spike, his body is smoking and his clothes are singed

Ihmir- Spike...

Spike fell to his knees and starting crying

Spike- Ihmir... I couldn't save her... Renaé is gone

Ihmir Comforted him and brought him inside

Ihmir- I know... there was nothing to be done... As her father... I wish I could've done better

Spike- It's all my fault. If only I had been stronger, if only I had protected her better...

Ihmir-Spike, you mustn't blame yourself. This was out of our hands... there was nothing we could've done

Spike- But what am I supposed to do now? It hurts so much..

Ihmir grabbed the tube and placed the fire in a bubble

Ihmir- This... This is what you're supposed to do... Protect the life of this fire, it's what remains of Renaé... 

Spiek took the bubble and held it tightly, not saying a word 

Ihmir- We must prepare... for her funeral

Night came and Spike, Ihmir, and the people of the village were in attendance for her life. When the fire burned out, Spike stood in front of the crowd

Spike- Renaé was a light in my life, a warmth that brought joy to my heart. She believed in a world where every creature could be free, where they could know the warmth of love and friendship. And now, I ask you... The people of the Null Realm, will we let her death be in vain? Will we let those who took her from us go unpunished?

Ihmir- Spike, what are you saying?

Spike- I'm telling you that we fight for the life she dreamed of! A life where we can all be free from the shackles of this frozen wasteland! Together, we can take revenge for Renaé, and forge a new path, a path of warmth and freedom!

Crowd Member- Spike, taking revenge won't bring her back.

Ihmir- Revenge may not bring her back, but it can be a powerful catalyst for change. Spike speaks from his pain and his love for my daughter. Let us not dismiss his emotions but consider his words carefully.

Crowd Member- Maybe he's right. Maybe it's time we stop living in this frozen prison and fight for something better.

Ihmir- Spike... this is your call, what do you want to do?

Spike- I promise you, my people, that if you stand with me, we will build a new future, a future where Renaé's memory will shine bright. I know who is behind this and I know where they are. The land Equestria is who is behind this murder and we will show them all the power and the strength of the Null Realm!

The crowd begins to murmur in agreement, slowly warming up to the idea.

Ihmir- If you say what I think you're about so say, know there is no going back... 

Spike- I know what I want to do... I know that I choose to declare war on Equestria, for the life of Renaé!

The crowd erupts into cheers, fully supporting Spike's decision, as he stands resolute, fueled by love and vengeance for the loss of Renae.

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