Amulet Part 4

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Twilight- Oh.. I... I'm sorry

Theodon- It's fine Twilight... I originally suppressed these memories, It hurt too much to think about it, I wish I had changed my name to something else other than Theodon... Remembering hurt to much that I stored it away, but when Discord appeared, the power I used brought them back... It's really what caused my whole mental breakdown... And then that door... I remember everything

Twilight- Wow... That's... That's

Theodon- A lot? Yeah...

Twilight- If you had the chance to die, and you would go to Heaven...

Theodon- I would take it would a second thought, I'd do anything to be with her again. So, does that answer your question?

Twilight- Yes... It does. What do you need done?

Theodon- Go back to Ponyville, don't let your past hover over you your entire life. Yeah it's gonna be weird for a while but, in due time they'll trust you again

Twilight- I'll be ready to go soon, Thank you Theodon... Who knows, you might be able to see her again

Theodon- it's impossible... but you'll be able to have a life, one that I wouldn't be able to have.

Twilight- Alright...

Cutie Mark Crusaders treehouse

Sweetie Belle- Applebloom? Do you have any idea what to do?

Applebloom- No... There's not much to do. Twilight's whole tyrannical phase really screwed the place over...

Sweetie Belle- But Twilight was possessed remember? Or atleast that's what Rarity told me.

Applebloom- And Aj told me the same, but I don't know everytime I think back from then..

Scootaloo- After what we've been through, do you really think it's that impossible

Applebloom- No, but

Scootaloo- No but what?! You've been so skeptical of this stuff, I understand you're wary of what Applejack told you but come on! What are you so worried about?!

Applebloom- I'm worried about losing everyone! Nothing is normal anymore and people are getting hurt! Heck, Mayor Mare is dead! Twilight Killed her!

Sweetie Belle- Have you even talked to Twilight about what's she's even been though? Losing Spike, Being Posessed, and going through everything she's been through... She's going through a lot too!

Applebloom noticed a hole appear in the ground and Illoua walk out in her pony form. She walked out of her tree house and confirmed that it was her.

Applebloom- Illoua!

Illoua- Applebloom, it's goo to see you

Illoua walked up to the treehouse and was brought inside

Illoua- It's great to see you three again, Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Sweetie Belle- Same here, why are you back here?

Illoua- It's uhh... complicated

Sweetie Belle- Can we help?

Illoua- I don't think so... But, I could use some insight... Come with me.

Illoua took the three of them down the the Heart, Although the three of them passed out again, they didn't wake up feeling uneasy.

Scootaloo- I'm not gonna get used to that...

Illoua- At least you're less queasy.

Applebloom- So, why are we here?

Illoua- Well, look at the heart, something isn't right.

Scootaloo- It's like it's infected

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Scootaloo- It's like it's infected

Illoua- Exactly something isn't right, I was able to narrow it down to your realm

Sweetie Belle- Do you think it has something to do with the last time that you were here?

Illoua- Unlikely, Cursed Energy doesn't infect the heart like this. Whatever the source is, it's Dark God Energy, something equally lethal as cursed energy.

Sweetie Belle- Uhmm, Illoua... Should it be doing that?

They looked at the heart which began to overreact, and losing it's composure

They looked at the heart which began to overreact, and losing it's composure

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Twilight- Thank you for letting me stay here, Rarity. I don't want to stay here long so let's hope I can find somewhere to stay soon.

Rarity- Oh take your time Darling, it's nice to have company around. We've missed you since you've went back to Canterlot.

Twilight- I have missed you girls, but it's been so hard being here... knowing what I've done...

Rarity- Twilight, you weren't you. That Monster Po'dule corrupted you and made you do things that you would never do.

Twilight- Yes, but...

Rarity- Yes but nothing. You need to get out more, i've only seen you when we're in danger our fighting some godly monster... Let's go get something to eat.

The two girls went into town, and it was surprisingly empty. No one was anywhere

Twilight- Where is everyone? It's like a ghost town...

Rarity- I don't know... everyone is--

Rarity noticed a crowd of people by a show, a magic show. As soon as they saw it, they felt one hell of a headache spike through them...

Rarity- Well, Twilight, I found them...

Twilight- What is this? That energy I just felt

Rarity- It's like Sombra...

Twilight- It's coming from the show alright...

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