Amulet Part 5

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Twilight and Rarity went to the show where a blue mare was performing a magic show of some type.

Rarity- Oh... Of course, it's Trixie...

Twilight- Trixie? Who is she?

Rarity- A magic fraud that we exposed a while back.

Twilight- When was this?!

Rarity- Shortly after you left she appeared. It was nice to watch but then she started making boastful claims that she had the power to take out an Ursa Major. 2 little runts believed in her and wanted to see so they led one to Ponyville and she froze. But were able to subdue it and apparently it was only an Ursa Minor.

Twilight- Wow, seems like I really missed a lot...

Rarity- It's alright, you'll catch up sooner or later.

Trixie- Now Witness the Great and Powerful Trixie perform her final act!!

Twilight- Rarity... That Amulet she wearing...

Rarity- You're thinking that's the source?

Twilight- Best option available

Trixie Charged a Ball of Light in the air and let out sparks of light, that exploded in the air. the embers began to spark towards the crowd and the ball began to lose control. The sparks were even transforming some of the ponies into bugs and lizards and other creatures. causing panic in the crowd.

Trixie- Oh no... Everypony calm down, I-I can fix this

Twilight- Rarity, we should step in.

Rarity- Agreed.

Heart of Life

Illoua- Girls, get Behind me!

The CMC got behind Illoua as the Heart began shooting out waves of Pure God Energy

Illoua- The Heart is unstable, I have to get rid of the God Energy within it

Applebloom- What's happening?!

Illoua- Whatever source the Dark God Energy is coming from. It must be artificial, like an artifact!

Scootaloo- How do we stop it?!

Illoua put a shield around the three and started walking toward the Heart

Illoua- Harsvetsr... Angerfin... Release

CMC- Woah

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CMC- Woah...

Illoua continued walking towards the Heart

Applebloom- What are you doing!?

Illoua- I'm going to dispel the Dark Energy... stay in that protection spell, the Wave of God Energy going out will vaporize you in seconds!

Illoua got to the heart and pierced it with her blade. The Dark God Energy was absorbed into the blade and the Heart was able to recollect itself

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