Remembering Friendship

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Theodon trotted into town and saw how everyone had recovered from the Omnipotent/ his attack. Then saw the crater, it was so deep, that that section 

Theodon- I... I caused this... 

Theodon walked into ponyville and stopped at some sort of café

Theodon- This place... it's colorful and bright. Too Bright

Pinkie Pie- Welcome stra-- OHHH It's you!! Theodon, It's you!!!

Theodon- oh it's you.... Pinkie Pie, right? You work here? 

Pinkie Pie- Yeah! It's candy cake, and sweets!

Theodon- Sounds sickening... just get me a drink 

Pinkie Pie- Jeez, you seem sad, here you go!!

Pinkie passed him a drink and Theodon took a sip from it

Theodon- It's... sweet

Pinkie- Yeah, doused with candies

Theodon- You sugarized it? 

Pinkie- Jeez, why are you sure a downer? You should be happier!!

Theodon- There's too much going on for me to be happy, sorry 

Pinkie crept around Theodon and moved his mouth to force smile but it soon returned to normal

Theodon- How do the others deal with you?

Pinkie- They aren't downers like you

Theodon walked away and Pinkie followed him 

Theodon- Why are you following me?  

Pinkie- do figure you out... one question, how old are you

Theodon- Billions of Billions of years old!

Pinkie- Ah, I see, so you're hardened by multiple things you've seen, and after being sealed away for centuries have made you close your circle to few people with that being the Princesses? 

Theodon- That's scarily specific

Pinkie- Well don't worry good ole Theo, I'll be your first friend here! and I bet I can get the other 5 girls too!

Theodon- Hee, yeah, knock yourself out 

Pinkie- Yay!

Pinkie grabbed Theodon and hopped to a store 

Theodon- what is this place? 

Pinkie- the first spot we're going to is Rarity

Theodon and Pinkie trotted over to a boutique, meeting the first of her friends, Rarity

Theodon- Who... where is this place?

Pinkie- Well my Theo my friend, this is where we're starting, Rarity

Theodon- I can't believe this

Pinkie and Theodon went inside and saw Rarity at work

Pinkie- Oh Rarity!!

Rarity- Hello darling, what are you doi-- Oh, Lord Theodon

Rarity bowed but Theodon felt awkward

Theodon- Please rise, I'm not a fan of all of that

Rarity- Oh ,of course, how are you Lord Theodon?

Theodon- I'm good, your friend is showing me around the town, it's friendly so far

Rarity- Oh, well why are you here then?

Theodon- Well, I don't know actually, Pinkie why am I here?

Pinkie Pie was gone and it was just Rarity and Him

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