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Spike, Pinkie, and Rarity were able to calm down the ponies and get them to a stable place.

Rarity- So... The Null Realm?

Spike- Huh?

Rarity- How was the Null Realm, it's basically been a year and a half since we've last seen you.

Spike- Null Realm, it was nice. There was someone I met... a few people I met.

Rarity- Really? I'd love to hear about it. Especially about that capsule on your belt.

Spike- This... it's complicated... it's my child

Rarity- Huh?! Your... Your child?

Spike- There was this girl I met. Her name was Renaé. She was from the Null Realm. Their way of making kids it's... weird... my way was pretty... traumatic.

Rarity- Oh...

Spike- She died... but she's alive now? I think...

Rarity- You looked like you were talking to someone... Was that her?

Spike- Yeah, it was... but she was acting weird... When we see each other again, I'm going to talk to her more.

Rarity-  Yeah, If it accounts to anything, I'm glad you're back with us Spikey.

Spike- It's kinda nice to be back, even if Ponyville is like this right now.

Rarity- Seen better da--

Twilight- *Rarity! Pinkie! Bring Spike and come to the Everfree Forrest immediately!*

Spike- Rarity, are you okay?

Rarity teleported her, Spike, and Pinkie to Twilight's location where they found a tree of some sort

Unknown Location - Equestria

Kruva was knocked to the ground. Her fingers bloodied and damaged

Kruva- They all got destroyed... all of them

Nikolas- The Mission was a success though. They lost their protection.

Sugar Cube Corner

With the vines gone, along with the Elements of Harmony, two more questions were left. Where is Theodon, and what now?

The door opened and Applejack sat with her friends.

Applejack- Can someone explain why I woke up without my Element of Harmony?

Everyone- Applejack!

Rarity- Are you okay? Your injuries

Applejack had 3 scars vertically going across her body

Applejack- I mean... I don't feel any weaker. I still feel the same, strength wise, at least.

Rainbow- I'm so glad you're okay. i wish we were strong enough so that you wouldn't be in that situation to begin with.

Applejack- It's alright Rainbow, I'm alive aren't I?

Rainbow- Yeah...

Applejack- Let's not worry about all that stuff in the past. What's the new issue

Twilight- uhhhh.... Theodon's Girlfriend got resurrected, Spike is normal, and now...War with the Gods is about to be on our doorstep

Applejack- .... How Long Was I Out?!?

Pinkie- a few weeks

Applejack- Great...What's the plan?

Twilight- I don't know... the Princesses, Theodon, and the other alleged gods are doing something to help but... 

Theodon- Canterlot, Now!

They all were in shock, but felt like they needed to go. 

Twilight- Canterlot? 

Everyone else- Canterlot. 

Spike-  What are you talking about? 


The Group ran into the throne room where Discord, Theodon, Henus, and the Princess were waiting with the entire map of Equestria before them

Twilight- What's going on here!?

Rainbow Dash- What is he doing here? 

Discord- Oh, little ole me? 

Theodon- Shut up. We have a war coming, we need to build an army, and we need any help we can get. 

Twilight- Theodon, don't tell me.... 

Theodon- Yes. Discord is 100%, I gave him all my chaos powers

Discord- Don't worry, I won't use it to hurt anypony. There's only one man on my list. 

Theodon- Discord will fight the Omnipotent. The Rest of us just need to keep the other gods and the angels busy.

Rarity- Angels? 

Henus- Nikolas and Li'kahl are preparing an army for us. Li'kahl is bringing together an army of Angels. Highly trained, and extremely dangerous. And we're talking hundreds of thousands. coming for our heads.

Theodon- And with Sera missing, the possibility of calling the creature of war is off the table right? 

Henus- Unless you can find her somehow. This is where we need your help. Get your people to help us. As many as you can that are willing to fight. 

Twilight- So, build an army? How long do we have? 

Henus-  3 months. 

Twilight- So what do you want us to do? 

Henus- Theodon, it's time you meet the others. The Rest of you, I think you're more than capable to bring together a group. Discord, regain your energy, if you're going to fight the Omnipotent, we need you at full strength. 

Discord- Mhm.

Alina- I'll have the royal guard start extensive training, they'll be coming along with us. I can talk with Princess Cadance and have them join along with us. I can talk to the citizens of Ponyville afterwards.

Spike- I'm going to try to recruit the Dragons... Hopefully they won't want to kill me... 

Rarity- I'll come with you

Theodon- I'll come to help convince the ponies of Ponyville, Fluttershy, Rainbow, will you help me? 

Rainbow Dash- Of course!

Fluttershy- I can try.

Applejack- I'll take Appleloosa, Pinkie wanna tag along? 

Pinkie- Of Course!

Henus- I have to warn you, Nikolas will be sending Gods to interfere with you. Stay ready at all times and have your weapons on you and active. 

They were all in agreement and the plan to build their army was in action

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