Introduce (Season 5 Premiere)

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Crystal Empire - Portal Room

Discord chanted a spell and the portal closed again. 

Discord- It's done... Theodon is now, Theodore. 

Twilight- Thank you... I don't know if this is the right decision but I have no other option

Discord- I want to ask you, Twilight, I want you to become the Primordial of Creation

Twilight- What? 

Discord- You're a blooming bud in Godhood. I want to mentor you to become one of the greatest. Come join us in the Nexus. 

Twilight- I really appreciate the offer Discord, but I would have to decline. 

Discord- Really? 

Twilight- I already have a mentor. While he's not himself right now, he's all I need and he'll come back one day. And I'll be ready to know everything he knows

Discord- I can respect that Twilight. But my offer still stands if you ever have a change of heart. 

Twilight- Also, please answer us when we call for you

Discord- Of Course

Discord returned to the Nexus and Twilight looked at the portal. Twilight, returned all of the Magic and God Energy to all of Equestria returning the power to all of the residents. 

Cadance- Good job Twilight... You did what's best

Twilight- I want to take a break.. I'm so tired

Cadance- It's been a lot for you recently, you've earned it. 

Twilight- Thank you, Cadance... I'm going to enjoy it. 


Alina- This was the best Idea? What would wiping his memory do to help him? 

Twilight- Discord sealed away his God Energy. And by sealing it away, he sealed away his memories. Theodon is sealed away while Theodore is in the human realm... With Sandya. He got what he wanted, his life with her. 

Alina- That doesn't really explain anything? 

Twilight- I think that... When he gave God Energy to me, and Nikolas stole it from him he was supposed to be absorbed but it wouldn't work between 2 people. And when Draxla took the power back he was in the Heart of Life. Suspended Death... or his God Energy kept him in Suspended death. So Discord took advantage of it and separated them. Therefore, Sealing away Theodon, and keeping him alive... Or Theodore at least. 

Alina- My Goodness... Theodon... 

Twilight- He's alive... We have to just fill his absence... 

Alina- We can to this... RIght? 

Twilight- We can try. 

Canterlot High

The girls were in shock, Theodon stood right in front of them. But Theodore? Who is that? Who is this? 

Sandya- Are you girls okay? 

Rainbow- Umm, We would have to talk later? 

Applejack- Yeah, It's uhh Long Story

Sandya was confused but by just looking at him, she felt whole. That missing feeling she finally found when she looks at him

Applejack- Look uh, Sandya. We're gonna talk to him. He seems familiar but we want to clear something up. 

Sandya- I want to talk to him, Applejack. 

Applejack- Nah, not right now, Sandya. Just trust me on this one, please

Sandya- Fine... Alright. 

Theodore sat down, and he could feel the stares from the girls. He tried his best to ignore them but the awkward tension could be felt between them. Class thankfully ended and Theodore was one of the first to leave the class

Rainbow- He's running away? Why? 

Applejack- More of a reason to question him. 

Rarity- Wait, what if we're overthinking this and it's one big coincidence

Applejack- Don't lie to yourself, we all saw him. That was Theodon and he's back. Twilight can't be far either can she... right? What if something dangerous is going on, they could use our help.

Fluttershy- Uhh... Girls

Pinkie- I've met a lot of people who look like others. It's realllly embarrassing if it is someone else. 

Fluttershy- girls... 

Rarity- Just listen to yourself. This could all be just some random misunderstanding

Rainbow- We'll deal with it if it is. 

Rarity- Yeah like saying, Oh Hey! we thought you were some divine being who can tear apart the literal fabric of reality at a thought, sorry for bothering you. 

Applejack- Not like that of course. We'll make it as calm as possible

Fluttershy- Girls!

They were all silent and Fluttershy pointed at Sandya seat which was empty. 

AJ & RD- Shit. 

Sandya was in the hallway trying her best to Follow Theodore. She was able to grab his hand and stop him in his tracks

Theodore- Oh, Hey... Are you apart of that group that stared me down all class, I didn't mean to offend you guys in anyway if I did. 

Sandya- Uh... No. I don't think you did. But I just wanted to say hi. I'm Sandya and whatever you hear about me... It's really complicated. I'm uhh.. I'm a nice person if you want to get to know me... But uhh... I just wanted to say, hi... 

Theodore- Uhh, yeah... Hey, Sandya. It's Nice to meet you

Sandya- Yeah... Nice to meet you too. Theodore. 

Theodore- Well thanks for the heads up, Sandya. I'll take it into consideration.

Outside Equestria

Twilight and Eaner were walking through the fields, the elephant in the room had to be talked about. 

Twilight- I have to thank you, Eaner. If you and Spike didn't show up... Tirek would've killed me 

Eaner- Yeah... I know 

Twilight- Eaner, I just want to clear the air between us. I love Spike, and you obviously do too. I failed him and I want be back in his life again. I lost so much time with what has happened and I don't want anything to happen where I might lose him again

Eaner- I understand Twilight, but Spike isn't how you thought he is... He's not that baby dragon you think he is

Twilight- I'm fully able to accept that, but I don't want to look back anymore. 

Eaner- Twilight... We can start you with meeting Ira

Twilight- Thank you.

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