Fruglen vs Team Part 2 (Season 3 Finale)

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Applejack kicked Fruglen to the ground and when she went to see him he was gone. 

End at 1:04
Black= Applejack
Purple= Fruglen

Rainbow- Applejack!

Applejack was unconscious and Rainbow charged up another Rainboom and landed them onto Fruglen as fast as she could. Fruglen's new form was completely new. Pinkie joined in with Rainbow with her flails and made her attack Fruglen. He was occupied with Rainbow, Pinkie only made it more annoying. He could only do so much with the two of them and tried to jump into the air. It worked until Rarity hit him back into the ground. Rarity Stabbed him in the chest through his back and hit him multiple times, Pinkie and Rainbow joined her to create the opening. 

Theodon- Fluttershy, get ready. They're about to open it. 

Twilight- How's Applejack? 

Theodon- I don't know. All we can do is hope she;'s okay. 

Twilight- Yessir. 

Theodon- Fluttershy? 

Fluttershy- If we're quick... We can do it... 

Theodon sat down next to Twilight and Fluttershy created a barrier around them and began chanting her phrases.

Fluttershy- Glowing Spiral, Growing Life, Eternal Flame!

Twilight made her Arrow and waited. In the Battle, Due to Rarity's staff, they were able to keep Fruglen pinned to the ground. Pinkie created her flails and beat down one of Fruglen's legs while Rainbow took out the other. Even though she's less weaker, Rarity did her best get Fruglen in a Full Nelson

Rarity- *NOW!!*

Theodon- Fire!

Twilight- Invade!

Twilight shot her arrow into Fruglen, rendering him unconcious, the Same with Her and Theodon. Fluttershy ran towards Applejack and immeadiately began to treat her. 


Twilight and Theodon made it to the Head. Who knows who's mindscape they are in currently but they needed to act quick. 

Twilight- Spike! Spike where are you?!

Theodon- Spike! Call out to us!

Twilight- We're here to save you! We want to bring you back home!

Spike- Please... Go Away... 

Twilight- Spike! We aren't leaving you! Not Again! 

Theodon- We've came all this way! Please come back!

Spike's consciousness appeared from the darkness. He was broken. 

Spike- Do you see what I'm doing...?! I'm hurting all of you! Rarity... Applejack!? All Of you are in pain because I was too weak!

Twilight ran to Spike and tried to comfort him but he pushed her away. 

Spike- Twilight... Do you have any idea of what I've been through? I'm a monster... I've killed so many dragons... so many... their blood is on my hands and all I could do was watch. Fruglen is too strong for me to do anything. 

Twilight- Spike don't talk like that. We're gonig to save you... NO matter how long it takes we're not going to abandon you. We've already lost you once, we're not going to lose you again. 

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