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AJ and Pinkie were on a train en route to AppleLossa. With only the two of them, they had to be on their hooves

AJ- Pinkie, you understand what we gotta do, right? 

Pinkie- Yep! 

AJ- Fine...Alright... The others are counting on us for this to work. We gotta find SilverStar... Let's hope he'll believe us

They made it to AppleLoosa and found Sheriff Silverstar at a Saloon, the Stallion was enjoying his pint of Cider. AJ and Pinkie sat next to him and ordered a pint themselves

Applejack- Howdy, Sheriff. We've come to talk to you about somethin' mighty important.

Pinkie Pie- Yeah, it's super duper important! Like, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious important!

Sheriff SilverStar-  Applejack, Pinkie Pie. What can I do for ya today?

Applejack- We're here to build ourselves an army, Sheriff. A real big one, too.

Sheriff Silverstar- An army? What in tarnation are ya talkin' 'bout? And why would ya need one?

Applejack- We're plannin' to face off against the Gods themselves. They've been causin' all sorts of trouble lately, messin' with our land and our friends. They're the whole reason Cloudsdale was destroyed and those recent attacks in Ponyville! Now our turn to strike back is coming.

Pinkie Pie- Yeah, and we can't just sit around and do nothing! We gotta fight back!

Sheriff SilverStar- Hold your horses there, ladies. Are these these the same fellas who took down Cloudsdale and attacked Ponyville? 

Pinkie- Yep!

Sheriff SilverStar- Then you're talkin' 'bout goin' up against some real strong fellas? That ain't somethin' ponies oughta be meddlin' in.

Applejack-  Look Sheriff, I know we sound like we're out of our mind. But this is  But this is our only shot, one chance to end this all. We have to get anypony that we can

Sheriff SilverStar- I appreciate your courage, I really do. But this ain't the Wild West where we can just round up a posse and go raisin' hell. These are Some Strong beings... you said, we're talkin' 'bout. It's dangerous business.

Applejack- We know it's dangerous, Sheriff. But we can't just turn our tails and run when trouble comes knockin'. We gotta do what's right!

Pinkie- Yeah! And besides, we have the power on our side! We can do anything when we're together! We're a lot stronger all together

Sheriff SilverStar- I admire your spirit, I truly do. But I can't in good conscience support this. It's too risky, too reckless. I'm gonna have to ask y'all to leave.

Applejack- Sheriff, please. Just hear us out. 

Sheriff Silverstar- Ladies, my answer is no. Now please leave

Applejack and Pinkie left his office and she kicked the dirt. 

Applejack- Shit. 

Pinkie- Don't worry, AJ. We can find a way to get them on our side.

AJ- We have to. The Fate of all of Equestria rides on it. 

Pinkie- C'mon... why the long face? We'll figure it out. We always do. 

AJ- It feels weird, not having our Elements protecting us, I feel so... vulnerable. 

Pinkie- I guess I can understand. I'm surprised yours was able to even be apart of the Tree. When Fruglen... y'know

AJ- Almost killed me? Yeah, I was there. 

Pinkie- You feeling alright? inside wise? 

AJ- Everything is still inside I guess... I mean it's inside me. No more Magic Barrier for either of us. 

God Of Reality: World of FriendshipTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon