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Nikolas was in his own realm and summoned Chrysalis

Nikolas- Bug, what have you been doing this whole time?

Chrysalis- rebuilding my army, these bodies that you've given us haven't been the most convenient

Nikolas- Work with it, Theodon is growing in strength since defeating Po'dule, I knew this group had abilities... but whatever power they've gained has put them on the level of Apostles

Chrysalis- I need you to trust me, my numbers will outnumber their strength, and my changelings will be able to defeat them.

Nikolas- They'd better, Chrysalis, your freedom relies on it. If Theodon's rag-tag group of fighters defeats you, then you better hope they kill you.

Chrysalis- Got it...

Canterlot Castle: Twilight's Study

Neoma- Twilight?

Twilight- Yes?

Neoma- How are you faring?

Twilight- I'm still here aren't I?

Neoma- Twilight, I understand that the recent events have been overwhelming for you. Po'Dule's possession, the Ponyville incidents, and Spike's...transformation. It's a lot to take in.

Twilight- Princess Luna, I know I should be able to process this, to understand it all logically. I can handle this.

Neoma- It is not an easy burden to bear, Twilight. The forces at play are dark and unpredictable. But you are strong, and you have faced many challenges before.

Twilight- I got this... I can handle this.

Neoma- I can tell you're lying to yourself

Twilight- I course I am... I should've been able to stop it! I've been able to fix any problem that i've faced, for Celestia's sake. I should have seen the signs, done something! But for some reason this is the one thing, the one problem I can't solve!

Neoma- Blaming yourself will not bring resolution, Twilight. The darkness that took hold was cunning. You couldn't have anticipated it.

Twilight- I just can't believe what I did, Luna. I... I hurt ponies. I hurt my friends. I can barely face them as is knowing what i've done?

Neoma-They understand, Twilight. They know you were not in control. Your friends, just like you, are resilient. They want to help you heal.

Twilight- And Spike... he's alive, but he's not the same. What do I do, Luna?

Neoma- Spike's condition is precarious, but there may be a way to help him. We must remain vigilant and united. Theodon....

Twilight- Theodon is the whole reason we're in this mess!! Don't you Realize this?

Neoma- Yes, Long Ago I have but we have to put that issue on hold. This culling game may bring further challenges, and we are going to need your leadership, I don't know when, but that time may be coming close.

Twilight- You're right. I need to be strong for everypony. But inside, I feel like I'm falling apart.

Neoma- It is alright to feel that way, Twilight. Processing these emotions takes time. Lean on your friends, and on me. Once this is all over, we can fix these kind of issues

Twilight- You're right, Luna. I can't let my emotions cloud my judgment. We need to be prepared for whatever comes next.

Neoma- You are stronger than you realize, Twilight. Far more than you give yourself credit for.

Twilight- Thank you, Princess Luna.


Rainbow Dash and Applejack pick through the rubble, salvaging whatever remains of Twilight's home. The air is thick with tension as they avoid eye contact, both lost in their thoughts.

Rainbow Dash- Spike, he... he's a monster now.

Applejack- Yep, it's a real tragedy. But we gotta focus on what's in front of us right now.

Rainbow Dash glances at Applejack, a hint of frustration in her eyes.

Rainbow Dash- What's in front of us won't change what happened. Spike was like family, and now he's...

Applejack- Rainbow, we can't change the past. Let's just focus on what we can do now.

Rainbow Dash stops, turning to face Applejack.

Rainbow Dash- You can't just brush this off, Applejack! Spike attacked us. He's not the same little dragon we knew.

Applejack takes a deep breath, and tried to change the subject.

Applejack- We should find more salvageable stuff. Maybe some books survived.

Rainbow Dash narrows her eyes, refusing to let Applejack dodge the conversation.

Rainbow Dash- We can't pretend everything's fine, AJ. Things are different now.

Applejack sighs, dropping her guard for a moment.

Applajack- I know it's different, Dash. But life ain't always easy. We just gotta keep moving forward.

Rainbow Dash clenches her jaw, her frustration evident.

Rainbow Dash- Moving forward? Spike's a monster, and we're supposed to just move on like nothing happened?!

Applejack places a comforting hoof on Rainbow Dash's shoulder.

Applejack- We can't change Spike, but we can change how we deal with it. We've faced tough times before, and we've dealt with it. 

Rainbow Dash shakes off Applejack's hoof, pacing.

Rainbow Dash- I just thought we were a team, you know? Now it feels like we're falling apart. This feels way out of our league, AJ.

Applejack- We are a team, Dash. And teams stick together through thick and thin. We can make the world better. We just need to fight for it.

Rainbow Dash looks into Applejack's eyes, searching for sincerity.

Rainbow Dash- But what if the world's just cruel? What if everything we do doesn't matter?

Applejack meets Rainbow Dash's gaze, unwavering.

Applejack- Then we'll make it matter. We've got the ability to beat these jerks, remember? We can make Equestria a better place. We just need to believe in ourselves and each other. We can make it out of this. 

Rainbow Dash takes a moment, processing Applejack's words. Slowly, a determined look crosses her face.

Rainbow Dash- Yeah... Alright.

Applejack smiles, relieved that Rainbow Dash is starting to see hope in the midst of her despair. Together, they continue salvaging what they can of the destruction of the treehouse.

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