Canterlot High Part 3

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Sunset flew into the air and dove down towards Theodon, grabbing him by the throat.

Twilight- Theodon!

Sunset- Come on Theodon, you want this power right? Come on then!

Sunset threw him into the building, causing the crowd from the party to see the battle.

Theodon- Sunset, please stop... I don't want to do this.

Sunset Charged him but he was able to counter and throw her away from anyone

Stop at 8:09
Theodon: Blue
Sunset: Orange

Theodon- Sandya... please don't do this... I don't want to keep fight you

Sunset- Theodon!!


A purple arrow was shot into Sunsets head and she fell to the ground.

Theodon- Twilight...

Sunsets Mindspace

Twilight- Sandya


Twilight- I know you're in here. Your soul, it's here, both Theodon and I can feel it.


Twilight- is that what you want? Does it feel right?

Sandya's soul appeared out of the darkeness. She looked confused and scared.

Sandya- I'm just doing as I was told. I know I lived a life... but it doesn't feel right... I don't belong here and I don't know why...

An apparition of Sunset Shimmer appeared before them, she was obviously angry, and grabbed Sandya.

Sunset- What are you doing? We have Theodon right there, we're almost as strong as him now, we can win this. All you have to do is give me control.

Sandya- No! I don't even know who you are!! I don't know where I am! Everytime I look at Theodon... my heart just hurts and I don't know why....

Sunset- Give me the strength, we can bea--

Twilight- No you can't! I don't know if you know this or not but Theodon has been holding back. He's barely used any strength against you. Let alone, he hasn't used any of his Reality powers.

Sunset- Stop lying, look he's exhausted.

Twilight- He's in pain! Sandya the reason your heart hurts is because you love him! You don't remember but you used to love THeodon with all of your heart! It was a long time ago but he's never stopped loving you since! You're the only thing on his mind most days! When he's not fighting or worrying about us, you're all he misses! You're all he thinks about!

Sandya- Then why don't I remember him?! Why don't I remember anything?! One Day I just appear in a castle as a pony and I was told to do this and this and that and then She appears and takes control! I just want answers!

Twilight held her hand out to Sandya for her to grab.

Twilight- Let us help you. We help you get your answers.

Sunset blasted an Energy wave Scaring Sandya.

Sunset- don't you dare.

Twilight- Take my hand, she can't hurt us.

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