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Unknown Realm

Sera jumped from the window and landed in a pile of trash. she took off her bag and opened a can of food. She shuffled through her bag and found her journal

Entry #89: 
It's felt like it's been years since Eaner left me here. It's been nearly impossible to find or make shelter here. Almost everything is destroyed to beyond salvageable. But I'm still surviving. None of the call words work here, this entire realm is cut off from any form of Magic or God Energy. If it works on a Primordial like me, would it work on people like Nikolas? Or Even the Omnipotent? Anyway, Nature has taken over this realm, there obviously used to be life here... but it seemed to be wiped out. I've been looking for something that could give me some type of clue, but any form of media here has been destroyed. I'm going to find shelter again, hopefully, Eaner will come back soon. I don't know how much longer I could survive here. 

Sera closed her book and layed down. 

Sera- Come on Sera... You're the Fucking God of War, some simple realm won't take you out.

Sera got up, ate her food, and continued on her Journey. The sounds of the birds and insects filled the streets and kept Sera company. But soon, her company would be filled with Someone else. 

Eaner- Sera!

Eaner's Astral form appeared behind her. 

Eaner- You've seen better days

Sera- Glad to see that you haven't forgotten me

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Sera- Glad to see that you haven't forgotten me. 

Eaner- It's almost time, we're gathering. 

Sera- We? 

Eaner held out her hand for Sera. 

Eaner- Let's go. 

Sera grabbed her hand and was pulled out of the Realm. 

Realm of Gods

Sera and pulled back into the Realm of Gods. She had her powers. She looked around, there were multiple Gods, Apostle, and others. And at the head of the crowd was Theodon. He was back!

Sera- Theodon?

Eaner- quiet. 

Theodon- My Fellow Gods. I'm honestly surprised by the amount of you here. But I'm not going to beat around the bush. You all are here to fight with me, and ultimately... Fight against the Omnipotent. There's a lot it hides from us. You must know, I gave up the power of Chaos, and I lost my God Weapon. 

The crowd muttered in concern. But Theodon silenced them. 

Theodon- There comes a benefit to what I sacrificed. I gained allies, and I've gained knowledge. The Omnipotent used to be a God like us, until he betrayed his people and absorbed their powers. I know this all must sound far fetched. Hell, I didn't even believe it until recently. The Power of Chaos isn't just energy, it is an entity. An entity named Discord, he was around before the Omnipotent, he knew who the Omnipotent was before it became the Omnipotent. I say this to let you know that we aren't fighting existence itself, we aren't fighting to our death. We're fighting to free ourselves from his grasp. That being has tormented, killed, and ruled and we've followed blindly. Not anymore, after what I say, you are fully welcome to walk away, but know that you're walking away from a chance of freedom. I know that if we die we don't come back, no afterlife. But it has to be better than what this is. At least fight a for a chance for the realms to live freely, for us to live freely. 

Henus- Lord Theodon, in his absence we have all felt and seen the Omnipotent's true colors. It's resurrected souls and turned them into curses. It's recruiting angels to massacre innocent people, over the truth! Turning ourselves against each other! No More, I say. We need to band together. All we need to do is fight against Nikolas, and his allies. We leave the Omnipotent to Discord. 

Theodon- We all used to have loved ones before we died. Even if some of you are so old you've forgotten, but you've felt the feeling of being cared for, being worried for, I've learned what a true family is like, what true friends are like and I've seen it first hand! My allies, My Friends in this realm, they know what is right, they believe in what is right and they know that when we fight, we're fighting for a better tomorrow. We're fighting for something we've haven't had in Eons. A Choice, There's no hierarchy here. Not anymore. Apostle, God, Primordial, Pillar. None of it matters anymore. We are who we chose to be, tomorrow. Everything that has happened in the past has happened, but we can change who we can be, Tomorrow. We must fight for the choice to Change! No More orders, no more instructions, only who we desire to be,  only what we desire to want. We fight to break the chains of today to let the people of tomorrow, be free. Now all you have to do is ask yourself, do you want to stay chained, or do you want to be free? 

The crowd was silent, until one broke it. 

Eaner- I Want to be free. 

God- I want to be free!

God- Same here!

Apostle- I chose freedom, Theodon!

The Crowd bursted into agreement as they cheered for their tomorrow

Theodon- Prepare for war, Tomorrow, we fight for the better tomorrow. 

Henus- Thank you, Theodon, I'll take over from here. You go sort out Equestria. 

Theodon- Alright. See you tomorrow, Henus. 

Henus- I'll see you there. 

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