Fruglen vs Team Part 1

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Telepathy- *Example*

Theodon- Tomorrow morning, we're going to the Dragon Lands. Make Sure you have everything you need because when we get there, make sure to bring out everything against Fruglen.

Illoua- We must be quick. Being in the Dragon Lands exposes our positions to the other gods if they choose to look for us. There will be a lot of God Energy output, and our location will be known to other Gods. Potentially putting us at a disadvantage. So we must act fast, Understood?

They all nodded in agreement. accepting the challenges that they are about to face.

Theodon- We're enemy number 1 to every god that's against us. So expect a lot of resistance if we meet with any Apostles or Gods.

Applejack- Theodon. Illoua. We got this. you two trained us the best you could've. We can do this. Just as we practiced and did what we planned to.

Theodon- All of you you've grown so much since we've met... We May have ended the Culling Game and Started a War with the Gods. But there's no better group of ponies I'd rather fight with.

Rainbow- Look at you getting all sentimental. Makes me a little emotional

Theodon- Don't get too emotional, we'll celebrate when we get back with Spike.

Illoua- I brought a gift for this. If this is going to be our first real battle all together. We should drink to it.

Illoua grabbed a bottle from her bag and poured them all a glass.

Illoua- this has been aged for centuries. Aged to perfection.

Illoua- to our success. And our future!

Theodon- All for it.

The Mane 6 and the Gods swigged down their drink and felt the warm feeling build up in their chest.

Next Morning - Dragon Lands

Twilight looked ahead at the mountains and the corpses of dragons laying across them

AJ- They're all dead...

Rarity- That monster

Theodon- Stay Focused, this only means he'll be stronger than last time.

Twilight- We can still save him right?

Theodon- If you believe you can, than we can. Illoua and I will be the most recognizable energy sources from out here. If Gods or Apostles start coming we'll have to peel off and lead them away. You 6 got this.

Illoua- If we're fast enough... we can do it.

They went into the Dragon Lands and went straight for Fruglen.

Throne of Dragons

Fruglen Sat on his throne of corpses looking over the Dragon Lands. He knew that they were there, but did nothing.

Fruglen Mind

Fruglen- They care about you, boy.

Spike- The hell are you talking about?

Fruglen- Your Friends... they're here again to save you I bet.

Spike- Well... I'm shocked

Fruglen- You shouldn't be... they care about you, Spike. I've seen your memories and you've seen mine... I know love when I see it. You have it with them

Spike- Fruglen... maybe we can strike a deal. You don't have to die or anything...

Fruglen walked up to Spike and slid his finger across his throat.

Fruglen- Spike, I'm will kill them if I get the chances.

Fruglen kicked him away and returned to consciousness

Fruglen- Brin--

Fruglen was kicked off of his throne and into the ground

RD- Hey, Ya miss me? 

Fruglen- You little... 

Fruglen Sliced the air but Rainbow dodged his attack and kicked him into the mountains Where Applejack and Theodon were to grab him and break his arms. Applejack used her gauntlets and battered his chest in. 

Fruglen was able to slice Applejack, and her barrier barely held, cracking her Element but protecting her body for the most part. Theodon used his spear and sliced away at Fruglen.  He Tried to keep up with her but RD was starting to get a little bit too fast for him. 

Fruglen- Fuck off!

Fruglen spread his arms sending out the barrier that he created before. 

Theodon- So this is what happened before? 

Applejack- Yeah, that's what took Rarity's eye. It's like his little truck up his sleev

Theodon- Alright. *Rarity! How much more time do you need?*

Rarity- *Give me a few Minutes! I can do this though!*

Theodon- We need to give Rarity More time... *Pinkie, your turn!*

Pinkie Pie Dropped from the sky and was carrying multiple boulders in a net made by her hilts and slammed them onto Fruglen. He was off his footing, and being unable to see what was going on around him, Illoua appeared from the ground and stabbed Fruglen in the chest.

Illoua- That... Was for Ela, you bastard!


Illoua used her powers and attempted to Purge Fruglen's soul from Spike. A Bright light surrounded them but when it dissipated nothing happened. 

Illoua- What? 

Fruglen snapped Harsvestr in half and pulled out the blade to stab Illoua in the stomach.

Theodon- Illoua!

Theodon kicked Fruglen Away and checked on Illoua... 

Theodon- Illoua, Focus. 

Illoua- I'll be okay... I... I gotta go to the Heart. Kill that motherfucker

Illoua absorbed herself into the ground. Theodon stood up and summoned his spear. He charged his energy around him, the energy causing electricity to spark around him and launched at Furglen Full Speed

Blue= Theodon
Red= Fruglen

Theodon- *Rarity! Now!*

Rarity jumped over the mountain and was carring a hammer the size of the mountains themselves and was about to slam it onto Fruglen. 


The Group teleported away and Fruglen took the blunt of the hit. He used this slashes to destroy the hammer but he was heavily damaged.

Fruglen- You bitches... you really think?! You can kill me?!

Fruglen jumped into the air, in a new form. Looking far more deadly than before

 Looking far more deadly than before

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Theodon- Everyone get back!

Applejack- No, Twilight Needs you for the plan to work. Girls, it's time we finish this. 

Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, and Rainbow went on the attack for Fruglen, Leaving Theodon with Twilight and Fluttershy. 

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