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Theodon left Discord Mind and returned to his. He awoke to see his statue still sealed away. Theodon walked away, and when He was away, pieces of Oxynm hit the ground

Dragon Lands

Fruglen- You... You Truly are something weird, Spike. Your Memories say you hate them... That they took everything from you. But here they are. Wanting to save you... I can't help but laugh. 

Fruglen laid down and rested. In his sleep, his consciousness was snatched into the back of his mind

Fruglen- You... Annoying little prick. 

Spike- You

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Spike- You... You hurt Rarity!

Fruglen- And? Didn't you want to kill them? 

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Fruglen- And? Didn't you want to kill them? 

Spike- I.. I don't know!

Fruglen- You keep switching sides, you don't even know what you want. Yet you snatch me out, and criticize me?! Boy, watch who you align yourself with before it kills you. 

Fruglen Grabbed Spike by the throat, attempting to choke him out. But Fruglen dropped him. 

Spike- Do it... 

Fruglen- I've tried. Ever since this conversation has started. 

Spike- What? 

Fruglen- You're a novice, claim to use my power, my energy. But can't even sense it. I've been slashing you ever since you snatched me out. But you Stand here unscathed

Spike- You can't go around, killing more dragons... or ponies. Got it? Either stop, or I'll do everything in my power to kick you out of my body!

Fruglen- How're you gonna do that? 

Spike- I got my eye back, didn't I? How much more do you think I can get? 

Fruglen kicked Spike away and returned to the body

Fruglen-  Stay out of the way, little shit. 

Realm of the Gods- Chamber of Afterlife

Li'Kahl- I'm not going to do it. It's unethical, Immoral!

God Of Reality: World of FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now