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Nikolas- How the hell did I get here? How the hell is there an Entrance to the Null Realm

Nikolas found a path and followed it, as Nikolas pressed on through the relentless cold, the distant silhouette of a village began to materialize on the horizon. It seemed almost surreal, a collection of humble structures nestled in the snow-covered landscape.

As he drew closer, a shock of recognition struck him. Among the villagers moving about their daily tasks, Nikolas spotted a figure that sent a chill down his spine.

Nikolas- You son of a bitch... Ihmir... 

Nikolas found Ihmir in the village and his blood boiled, Nikolas' eyes narrowed as he watched Ihmir from a distance, his mind racing to comprehend the implications of this unexpected revelation.

Nikolas walked down into the village. The villagers looked at him in confusion, their eyes widening as they saw the ominous figure approaching. Panic set in as Nikolas raised his hands, summoning dark flames that danced on his fingertips. With a sinister grin, he cast the flames upon the first building, and the fire quickly spread, consuming everything in its path.

Villager- Fire! We're under attack!

Ihmir- Fire? 

The chaotic scene unfolded as Nikolas continued his assault, setting building after building ablaze. Villagers ran in all directions, their homes and lives reduced to ashes. The air filled with the acrid scent of burning wood and the screams of the terrified villagers.

Ihmir ran out of his house and tried his best to put out as many fires as possible, but for every one he took out 3 more ignited. 

Ihmir- What the hell is happening?! 

A group of courageous villagers, armed with makeshift weapons, confronted Nikolas, their faces etched with fear and determination.

Villager- Stop this! Who are you?!

All Nikolas could do was laugh, the thought of them actually fighting, and thinking they would win, brought humor to him.

With a wave of his hand, Nikolas sent a blast of dark energy towards the villagers. They tried to defend themselves, but their feeble attempts were in vain. The energy struck with deadly precision, throwing them back, lifeless, into the snow.

Villager- We can't let him destroy our home! Attack!

A few remaining villagers charged at Nikolas, desperation in their eyes. However, Nikolas moved with uncanny speed, effortlessly dodging their attacks. He retaliated with brutal efficiency, his strikes landing with deadly accuracy.

Nikolas- Come on! Give me a challenge!!

One by one, the villagers fell before Nikolas' overwhelming power. His movements were a blur, his dark energy leaving destruction in its wake. Blood spraying everywhere and Nikolas getting soaked in it. 

Amidst the chaos, a lone survivor, a villager with a trembling voice, dared to speak.

Survivor- Why? What have we done to deserve this?

Nikolas- You existed. 

With that, Nikolas turned away from the devastated village, leaving the lone survivor amidst the wreckage. When they ran away he waved his hand, slicing them in half. 

Amidst the chaos, Ihmir sensed the impending danger. He looked up from his tasks, his eyes widening in horror as he witnessed the devastation unfolding before him. Panic set in as he realized that the past had caught up with him, and he was about to face a force beyond his comprehension.

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