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Theodon and Nikolas charged at each other and a shockwave went through the Dragon Lands 

Spike- Theodon!!!

Spike Charged at Theodon and slashed at the sky causing another shockwave to force everyone except Nikolas to the ground 

Theodon- Spike? What happened to you? 

Spike- Theodon... I'll Kill you!!!

Theodon threw Spike to the ground as Nikolas kicked Theodon into a mountain 

Nikolas- Keep your eyes on Me Theodon 

Theodon caused an explosion that flattened the mountain

Theodon punched the rock and grabbed his spear while Nikolas unsheathed his sword 

On the ground, the girls and princess could only protect themselves from the debris and explosions from Theodons and Nikolas fight

Twilight- Spike... what happened to him?

Rarity- He's a... he's a menace. What did they do to him?

Twilight- They made him into a monster

Another explosion happened and Spike charged at Theodon and tried to claw at him But Theodon kicked him toward the group

Fluttershy- Spike... are you okay?

Spike writhed in rage as he rolled around and destroyed the ground

RD- Spike calm down, we're your friends

Spike clawed at Rainbow Dash gashing her face and neck

AJ- Rainbow!!

Twilight used her magic and bounded him to the ground with chains

Twilight- Spike, please calm down!!

Spike couldn't speed only growl and yell

Alina- Spike is corrupted we can't help him in this enraged state

Rarity- He's a monster... can't we reverse what they did to him?

Alina enchanted spike with a spell that made him disappear

Twilight- What did you do!? Where'd he go?

Alina- Somewhere... I know where he is, but he needs to calm down and lose all of that aggression

Twilight- Where is Spike!!

Twilight's magic changed again, using dark god energy subconsciously

Alina- Twilight, calm yourself

Twilight- I can't it's only been a couple of days and he's a monster, we had 4 days and when found him before, and now look at him

Alina- I know but we just got here a bit late

Pinkie- This isn't funny, our friend turned into a rage-fueled monster, and now we're supposed to go on as if nothing happened?

Alina- I will take care of it

Twilight- Princess I don't mean to disrespect you but your version of taking care of it has caused a chain reaction that has left a path of corpses behind it, how is this fixing anything, the only thing that has happened was nothing but pain for everypony around here!!

Alina- Twilight, I understand but think of the bigger picture, what we're fighting for!

Twilight- Look at this, what bigger picture is there to see, if Lord Theodon loses this fight then we all die

Neoma- I understand but you don't know what happens

Twilight- I understand that person trying to protect us... is the one who caused this all to happen... Now it's taking away what matters to us... to me!!

Alina- Twilight I understand but what I did was for the safety of everyone

Twilight- Where'd you send him...

Back at the fight between Theodon and Nikolas, they both were catching their breath, for this was the first time they had fought someone on the same level as them

Theodon- To think you could keep up with me... Nikolas

Nikolas- Don't forget I was the God of Time, long before you were ever the God of Reality

Theodon- But I had the better mentor

Nikolas- Myron was one of the best, but he was too naïve with his work... created a world with peace and tranquility, no conflict or anything to make it interesting made our jobs boring. But then you came along, fresh off of a blade... being stabbed from the back

Theodon- that was eons ago

Nikolas- but you still remember it don't you... you still feel that blade stab through your spine

Theodon sliced the air causing a wave of energy to blast Nikolas blasting him away

Theodon- its time to end this Nikolas

Theodon used certain hand signs while casting a barrier that encased the Entire Dragon Lands

Nikolas- You son of a bitch

Theodon- You asked for a war... well you got one... Your first mistake was taking Spike, then you gave me back my God Weapon, and your final mistake next was giving me time to create my own barrier, with something special

Theodon chanted an ancient language and an alchemy circle appeared on the dome of the barrier

Nikolas- You bastard!!

Theodon- C'hutu T'kala O'rulu!!... Purification

Nikolas- This isn't the end Theodon

Theodon- You wanted a Game right? Well, it looks like I won this round

after chanting these words Nikolas was beamed down with an energy blast, and the corrupted dragons were cured of their brainwashing, after the beam disappeared, Nikolas was gone and the barrier disappeared. Theodon dropped to the ground and transformed into his pony form, and his Spear morphed into armor that wrapped around his body

Theodon- Well that's nice

Theodon trotted to the group where they were all distraught

Theodon- What happened? Wh-Where's Spike

Alina- He's gone... I teleported him somewhere

Theodon- Where?

Alina- the NULL realm 

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