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Spike's Mindscape

Spike was lying in bed, Renaé. Her warmth was something he hadn't felt in a long time. 

Spike- Hey. 

Renaé- Good Morning. 

Spike- What are you doing today? 

Renaé- Going to see Twilight. She wants to see you, Spike. 

Spike- I don't know if I'm ready yet. 

Renaé- You can't avoid her forever. 

Spike- I know... but--

Renaé- But nothing, Spike. Her long with everyone else saved you from Fruglen. At the least, you have to talk to her. Have a small conversation to thank her

Spike- But... after everything

Renaé- Spike... it's been almost a year and a half since you were sent to the Null Realm. If they didn't care about you. If they didn't Love you. You'd still be possessed by Fruglen. Wake up, please. 

Spike- Renaé... 

Renaé- WAKE UP

Spike awoke inside of a green liquid. He was floating in something but he didn't know what it was. He was then let out and laid on the ground. Renaé was standing over him. 

Spike- Renaé? Renaé!?

Eaner- Spike, calm down. 

Spike- You're alive! You're really here! How did this... what happened? 

Eaner- I know you must have a lot of questions, but I can't be here for long. There's a lot I have to do. 

Spike- What are you talking about? Renaé, we can go wherever we want! Please, we have that chance!

Eaner- Spike, I need you to listen to me. 

Eaner held his hand and placed the capsule in his hand. 

Eaner- I will find you again. But right now, we cannot run away together. In due time we will be together again. But Please, Live. Live, if not for you, then for me and forgive your friends, forgive Theodon, forgive them all. Big things are about to happen and you're going to need allies. okay? I know you won't understand now but you will soon. Just know, I love you, and our child so much. Don't lose this again, alright? 

Spike- Renaé... 

Eaner kissed Spike, and hugged him. 

Eaner- Forgive them and live, please. We'll find each other again, and we'll be together again. 

Eaner disappeared and Spike was holding the capsule

Spike- Yeah... I will, Renaé

The Girls walked into the heart of life to see Spike standing, looking at the sky. 

Twilight- Spike! 

Spike- Twilight...

Twilight ran to spike and hugged him tightly. 

Twilight- You're awake. You're really awake!

Rarity- Spike, are you... You? 

Spike- Yeah, it's still me. I-I Really missed you all. 

Rarity- You're completely healed.. 

Spike looked at Rarity, seeing her eye covered up twisted his heart a little bit. 

Rarity- Darling, I'm fine. Don't look at me like that. 

Spike- I'm sorry, for everything I've done to you all... I have no excuse. 

Rainbow- Hey, we've been through our own share of tough battles. We're just glad you're you again. 

Spike- What now? 

Twilight- We still have to wait for them. Illoua, The Goddess of Life, she's helping us in this fight. And uhhh... Applejack... 

Spike- She's alive, right? 

Twilight- Barely. She'll make it though.

Spike- I'm ready to go home. 

Twilight- We'll there's kind of an issue. 

Spike- What's going on?

The group went up to the surface and it was all covered in black spiky vines, both the sun and the moon were out, and everyone was in panic

Spike- What's going on?! 

Twilight- I don't know, no one has seen Theodon in a while, the princesses are missing, and now this.... happened. 

Spike- Oh... shit. 

Rarity- We've tried everything, from biting and chopping it all the way to using our weapons, and they barely do anything. 

Rainbow- We came down to the Heart, thankfully you weren't taken over, but we were hoping that the three of you were out, or at the least Illoua, but we're glad to see you're awake. 

Spike- So what's the plan? 

Twilight- Uhh.... We're figuring it out as we go. Alright girls, lets try something, destroying the vines is there any pony that might have something to help us? 

Fluttershy- We could try and find Zecora. She might have something to help up. 

Twilight- Alright, we'll split up, Rarity, Pinkie, Spike. You three stay here and try to keep the ponies calm. Fluttershy, Rainbow, you two are with me. We're going to try to find something to fix this

They Split up and went to do their duties. 

Discords Mind

Theodon- I'm Listening. 

Discord- Glad you finally came to your senses Theodon. 

Theodon- Well, Sandya is alive again, she doesn't remember me, and now my spear is gone. 

Discord- Why not make another? You made some for your friends. 

Theodon- It's different for when it's for a God, let alone a Pillar. But that's not what's important right now. What do you know about the Omnipotent? 

Discord- Let me give you a history lesson then. The real history that the Omnipotent doesn't want you to know. He used to be a Primordial, not the type you know but he was. His name was Balaam, Primordial of Creation. He was an envious man but there was 5 of us in total. Elena, The Primordial of Destruction,  Draxla the Primordial of Reality, Xetus the Primordial of Time, and then... 

Theodon- There was you, Primordial of Chaos

Discord- There used to be one Reality, one time, one everything, but Balaam was an Envious man. we all had our own special abilities. We all has our thing that the other couldn't do. Special in our own way. 

Theodon- What happened? 

Discord- Balaam was never really the favorite. And so one day, We entered this realm, one where our powers wouldn't be applicable there, nullified. He took his chance, he knew we weren't able to be killed. So he did the next best thing. He tried to absorb us, I was somewhat able to escape but he got the rest. And their power. Me on the other hand, I hid... I turned into my Ethereal Form and ran away. But, he caught me. That's where you Gods come in, he created you all, changed his name to Omnipotent and kept me from retaliating by keeping me in the God of Reality. For Eons, you use my power but keep me stuck in here. But you Theodon, you set me free. And now, give me the chance to exact my revenge on Balaam. Existence won't be destroyed, but I will kill Balaam when he returns to his human form. So, you know the story, you know why I want to do what I want to do. no one gets harmed. I just want Balaam. Deal?

Discord put out his hand, Theodon stared at it, weighing out his options

Theodon- Deal. 

Theodon shook Discords hand and that deal gave Discord all of Chaos, and returned him to his full potential, and original form.

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