Dragon Lands Part 3

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Fruglen- So shocked to see me? It's like you're seeing a ghost. 


Fruglen- Methods, Torch... but now that I've found you... 

Bone wings emerged from Fruglen's back and his horns glowed red. He lunched towards Torch.


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Torch lunged at Fruglen with the force of a hurricane, but Fruglen, far more agile, evaded the attack with a swift maneuver.

Torch- You may have returned, but you are still nothing compared to me!

Torch's sheer size and strength initially gave him the upper hand. His massive wings created gusts of winds causing tornados to form. However, Fruglen channeled cursed energy in his hands and sliced the air, the wind pressure causing all of Tornados to dissipate.

Fruglen- C'mon Dragon Lord, aren't you supposed to be strong?! Show me why you were crowned the Dragon Lord!!

Fruglen lunched onto Torch's snout and sliced from his nose to his eye, clawing it out. Torch, taken aback, found himself feeling something he hasn't in a while, Fear. The mean who stood before him, was the physical embodiment of terror

The battle raged on, scales clashing and flames intertwining in a dance of fury. Despite Torch's size advantage, Fruglen's newfound abilities allowed him to match his brother's every move. Torch tried to burn Fruglen but Fruglen only flew through the fire and ripped out his tooth and stabbed it into his head.

Torch- T-This is impossible! How are you able to do this?!!?

Fruglen, his eyes gleaming with an otherworldly intensity, unleashed a surge of cursed energy, and sliced torched multiple times by slicing the air. Torch, disoriented, struggled against Fruglen, the power gap becoming more and more visible. Fruglen couldn't hold himself up and fell on his back.

Fruglen- Oh come on... where's all that power... Dragon Lord? 

Fruglen stood victorious over the weakened Torch. 

Torch- H-How did you do this? How are you this strong!!!

Fruglen- It doesn't matter for you anymore... You're about to die!

Fruglen held out his hand and covered it in Cursed Energy 

Fruglen- Die, Torch!!

Fruglen stabbed Torch's chest and infected his body with Cursed Energy causing his interal organs to explode, Killing him

Fruglen- Haha... Hahaha!!!

Fruglen killed Torch and had an Idea... 

Dragon Lands

A roar was heard throughout the Dragon lands as Fruglen lunged over the mountains

Ember- Spike?

Ember could feel the energy coming from his body. That was no longer Spike. The dust cleared the air as the sight was more visible. Fruglen held Torch's decapitated head.

Fruglen- From now on. You all have a new leader. And if you want to change that you can gladly challenge me, but if torch couldn't do it. How could any of you? Now, you other freaks, live free... All of you live free, but if you challenge me, don't expect to come back in one piece. You know where I'll be.

Fruglen dropped Torch's head and left leaving all the dragons stunned and terrified.

Ember- Fruglen....


Twilight was in her study, and suddenly fell to her knees causing a loud crash, causing Theodon to check in 

Theodon- Are you okay? 

Twilight- Yes... it's just, my chest. It felt like something was tore out. 

Theodon- Are you sure you're okay? 

Twilight got up and used her magic to fix everything 

Twilight- I'm Okay... Thank you. I... I would like some time alone

Theodon- Okay. 

Theodon walked to the throne room where Alina was sitting looking out into Equestria.

Theodon- Alina, do you ever feel that unsettling shiver down your spine, as if an memory is poking within you?

Alina- Theodon, we have faced countless issues together. What could thinking this time.

Theodon- It's hard to put into words, but it's as if somethig terrifying is back...

Alina- Terrifying? What are you talking about?

Theodon- North... Something is happening north.

Alina- North... It wouldn't hurt to check it out would it? 

Theodon- I guess not...

Theodon and Alina teleported to where the thought the source was coming from and was. Met with freezing winds.

Alina- This wind... it's fre--

Theodon- Alina? What wrong?

Alina- Theodon... The Crystal Empire. But how is this possible? Neoma... She.. She used the Easure Spell

Theodon- If she did, then it shouldn't be here! But was we can see, it's standing right there!!

Alina takes flight toward the city. Theodon follows closely behind.

Alina- They're back... The Crystal Empire, the Crystal Ponies... 

Theodon- They don't look so crystal to me. 

The Crystal Ponies were dulled out, they looked depressed

Theodon- Something isn't right here... 

Alina- What happened? 

Theodon, in the corner of his eye saw Shining Armor going towards the castle

Theodon- Shining Armor?

Theodon and Alina flew towards him and caught his attention.

Shining Armor- Theodon? Princess Celestia? What brings you here?

Theodon- How did you find this place? What happened?

Shining Armor- It was calling to us. Cadance and I found this place like it was calling to us.

Theodon- Calling? How? 

Shining Armor- I don't know. When we got here, the blizzard was freezing over the entire Kingdom. Cadance was able to cast a protection spell but she's growing weaker by the second. 

Theodon- What can we do to help? 

Shining Armor- We don't know. We currently are looking for the Crystal Heart, the citizens say its where the source of their powers are coming from but we cannot find it anywhere. 

Theodon- When this place reappeared did you happen to see anyone else beside the crystal ponies.

Shining Armor- No... but it's that blizzard, it's like it's alive. 

Theodon- The Blizzard... 

Alina- Theodon. We should get the girls. We could use their help

Theodon- You go back to Canterlot and Warn them. I'll stay here and find out more clues

Alina- Understood.

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