Dragon Lands

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Spike carried Rarity through the Skies. The Barren bloodied Mountains of the Dragon Lands made it easy for the corpses of dragons to be found. Spike tried not to look but they were everywhere, sliced, minced, destroyed. 

Rarity- Spike. Don't let it worry your mind. There are some still alive. Once We find Ember... the others won't be far behind

Spike- That's if they even want to listen to us... or even me. 

Rarity- Look, If we can get these dragons, we get a huge piece in this war. The Gods' pets can channel God Energy themselves. We can do this Spikey. 

Ember- Spike! Rarity!

Spike- There she is. 

Spike and Rarity flew down to her and the tension was thick

Rarity- I'm happy that you'd allowed to us talk with you. 

Ember- I owe you, Rarity. If it wasn't for you and your friends, We'd still be going through with... that

Rarity- No, Don't worry about it, Darling. It's all okay. 

Ember- Spike... I'm glad to see that you're you again.

Spike- Yeah, Same here. How are the other dragons? 

Ember- Things are tense but... We aren't at each others throats anymore. Mass Genocide does that... Hehe... 

The Silence was thick, Awkward, and the tension was immense. 

Rarity- So! For the real reason that we're here. We need your help, Ember. Your Help and the rest of the Dragons. We're going to war with the Gods. 

Ember- I'm sorry, what? 

Rarity- Nikolas is bringing an Army down to Equestria and we're building an army to fight back. We plan to win.

Ember- No. 

Rarity- What? Why? We understand if your numbers are low but this is a way to regain your freedom. Spike told us about Fruglen and his past, and you dragons shouldn't be used as pets and weapons to those people!

Ember- Even if we had the Numbers, we refuse to help you. 

Spike- Why? 

Ember- We Dragons... we were born to fight with the Gods. Even if we wanted to fight back, they could kill us within seconds... we never had a choice but to obey. 

Spike- But Ember... Have any dragon thought of revolting? 

Ember- The Only successful one was Fruglen. We know how he is. Ever since we've existed we've always been for the use of the Gods.

Rarity- Ember, we can win this. We just need the people who are willing to help!

Ember showed them the small colony of dragons. 

Ember- This is all we have left after Fruglen... We are not helping Rarity. If this works out you have our support, but as long as Lord Nikolas and the Omnipotent are in control... We will not interfere. We're endangered as is, we won't risk extinction. I'm sorry. You should go. 

Ember gestured them to leave and Spike carried Rarity away. 

Spike- Why am I not surprised It failed.. I knew this wasn't gonna work. 

Rarity- Spike, why did you want to come here? 

Spike- To see what I did with my own eyes. When she showed us those dragons... I couldn't look at them... I was already an outsider to the Dragon Lands, and When Fruglen took over my body and did what he did... I could never face them again... or at least not as an ally. I did this for assurance. 

Rarity and Spike were silent as the returned to Canterlot. to see Twilight, Theodon, and Celestia. 

Theodon- You're back... That was fast... 

Alina- What's the status with the Dragons? 

Spike- They won't help us. But if we win, we have their support

Theodon- Shit. 

Rarity- What about Applejack and Pinkie? 

Theodon- We've recently heard back from them. We have the help from the Earth Ponies. Alina was able to get the Crystal Guard and Cadance to help us. Twilight, Rainbow, Alina, and I were about to go down to Ponyville to see if we can get them. After that, I'll be going with Henus and meeting the Gods who are on our side. 

Alina- We'll be on our way soon.  You two can go and prepare yourselves. 

Spike walked away and sat on a bench looking over Canterlot. Taking a deep breath and laying his head on the wall behind him. 

Rarity- Spike,  are you alright? You're still thinking about Ember and the Dragons... Aren't you.

Spike- It's everything. The war, the dragons... it's all so overwhelming.

Rarity- I understand, darling. But remember, we're in this together. We saved you, and you have something to fight for... Just remember that.

Spike- Rarity, After everything that I've done... Am I even good enough to fight with you guys? 

Rarity- What? Of course, Spike! You've already shown remorse, you've done all you could to ask for forgiveness. That's the first step towards redemption. We'll face this war together, and we'll make things right. Together, after all this is done, we're gonna fix what we can of what Fruglen did, alright? 

Spike hesitates for a moment, then takes a deep breath, steeling himself to speak.

Spike- It's Fruglen... He's still out there... I can't keep letting him be free in good conciousness. After everything he's done? We can't let him walk free, Rarity!

Rarity's expression softens as she reaches out to gently caress Spike's hand.

Rarity- We won't, Spike. Even if it's not you, we won't let what Fruglen did go Unpunished. He will be defeated and given proper punishment. 

Spike- He's number 1 on my list. When we win... I'm gonna find him, then We are gonna beat him. 

Rarity- Good to hear that, Spike. Let's focus on the good stuff now, alright? 

Spike- Thank you, Rarity, Let's enjoy this. 

Rarity- Right.

As Rarity rises to leave, Spike's expression shifts slightly. Once she's gone, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a the capsule, holding it tenderly in his hands.

Spike- Hey there. It's just you and me now. I wish your... mother? Could be here with us, but... I'll do my best to make this world a better place for you. I promise.

There's a moment of silence as Spike gazes at the capsule, in that moment, he finds a sense of peace, knowing that he's not alone.

Spike- It's going to be alright. We'll make it through this, together. We'll have this family... and I'll find Renaé again. 

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