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Spike- What... What do you mean? 

Renaé- I was waiting for your memories to become whole again but I think it is time for you to know of the truth 

Spike- Tell me what you mean, Renaé. My family, my friends, where have they been? 

Renaé- With our magical abilities, we've been able know when someone has entered the Null Realm. And some of us, have the ability to make a mental image, Man'shuko, is what it's called 

Spike- I don't care about the god damn spell or any shit like that... tell me what you saw 

Renaé- Ok, this was 9 months ago

Renaé put her hand on his head showing him the image of his friends, Celestia,  and a blurred out figure 

Spike- The blurred one who's the blurred one? 

Renaé- for your own safety, I cannot show that to you

Spike- Renaé, I'm done sitting around getting my memories back, I need to get home, I need to save everyone in Equestria

Renaé- Spike... Why don't you stay here... in the Null Realm... no one would hurt you ever again... and you could live peacefully

Spike- The Omnipotent... as long as it exists... as long as HE exists... I cannot let this go

Renaé- Reality, existence as we know it, it would collapse if you kill him 

Spike- But he threatens everything... and I mean everything. The war back in Equestria... 

Renaé- You keep talking about Equestria... like it's some place that's like heaven... Tell me about it. What about that place makes it you strive to protect it

Spike- It's beautiful, vibrant and full of life. You'd love it there. all 4 seasons, summer, winter, spring, and fall. The mountains, cities, and farmlands throughout the continent... it would take weeks, maybe even months to see all of it 

Renaé- the 4 seasons, what are they like? 

Spike- That's right... you've never felt something like it. Summer and Spring, it's amazing, these plants called flowers bloom to life, colors and smell you wouldn't imagine. And you'll no longer need the flames inside of your chest. the heat would keep you warm. 

Renaé- The people, what are they like? 

Spike- My hometown, Ponyville, they are full of nice and kind citizens. They would welcome you with ease... I'm a dragon and they treat me like their own. 

Renaé- It sounds wonderful... but, we aren't accepted anywhere remember? We're the failures, the rejects 

Spike- I promise you, it won't be like that, one day... I promise you... I'll show you all of Equestria. 

Renaé- Spike, this all sounds amazing, but we wouldn't survive there... physically

Spike- Why? 

Renaé- These flames in our chest, if they burn out... we die, and they only last within cold temperatures, it would never work

Spike- What if I could get someone who could cast a spell on you, giving you the ability to live outside of the Null Realm  

Renaé- that would be wonderful but not even my father can't even do that, it's not gonna happen 

Spike- I promise you... one day I'll show you all of Equestria

Renaé- Alright, I believe you   


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