Better? Part 3

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Rarity's Boutique

Rarity was sewing a new Line, In her pony form, it seemed as if nothing had happened to her at all. Theodon, Illoua, and Twilight walked into the shop to check in on her

Rarity- Oh, and what do I owe this meeting for?

Illoua- We're just checking on you, seeing how you're faring at least.

Rarity- I'm doing alright, small surges here and there but I'm doing alright. Illoua-dear your powers does wonders for the pain

Twilight- I wish I could've done something... If I was just...

Illoua put up a barrier around them, transforming them into their human form and revealing Rarity's injury

Illoua put up a barrier around them, transforming them into their human form and revealing Rarity's injury

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Rarity- Twilight, I'm fine. This I'm still standing, aren't I? None of us knew what we were walking into when we Fought Fruglen.

Twilight- How is your eye doing, sight wise then...

Rarity- I have hadn't tried yet. No better time than the present

Rarity removed her bandage, showing the mush and gash that used to be her eye. She covered her good eye and tried to see if there was anything

Rarity- Nothing... I can't see

Illoua- I'm sorry, I wish we could've saved your eye.

Rarity- Twilight was in a lot more need than I was, but we all got out alive, didn't we?

Theodon- that's good, we're you able to use the elements?

Twilight- didn't have the chance, when he attacked he put up a barrier of those slashes of his. Basically isolated me and him for him to just attack me relentlessly.

Theodon- if there was a barrier... Rarity how were you able to get through?

Rarity- I remember when Raythar attacked us, the elements of harmony put a barrier around us when we're attacked, physically at least. In the moment I saw Twilight just unable to defend herself and jumped at a moments notice. I was a scratched a bit, but adrenaline kept me running, and then thats when this happened.

Theodon- Twilight, if we were to go to the Dragon Lands, and I mean all of us. And we were able to use the Elements, do you think we could split Fruglen from Spike? And if we can split them, will Spike be our ally or enemy?

Twilight- I can be sure about the latter but we were able to cure Princess Luna of her corruption with them, it could work. It's only a theory though.

Theodon- Corruption is different from Possession. But it's worth a shot, I don't want Spike to die, there's a lot I want to apologize for. If they don't work we'll invade his mind with your spell, try to get him from the inside, if he's there.

Rarity- Theodon, that part of his mind, Spike might still be there, he might still be aware just out of the control seat in some form.

Theodon- if Spike is aware, then that makes Plan B a lot more easier... or Illoua, is Witia apart of your little rouge god club?

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