Proposal(Mid-Season 2 Premiere)

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6 months ago: Canterlot Castle

Applejack- So are we not gonna talk about how Spike just appeared after being missing, for MONTHS, may I add, and attack us without provoking him!?

Theodon- Let me think... I'm as confused as you are, he was banished to the Null Realm, there should be no way of escaping there!

Twilight- He said... I killed someone... What have done?! What did I do?

Theodon- Whatever happened, it must've been under your possession by Po'Dule... but what happened must've been so catastrophic... He happened...

Twilight- But... He looked so different, could that really be Spike, he was so little... well before... he was kidnapped at least... now, he's a monster...

Theodon- I'm stumped... There should be no way he could escape from there... no possible way...

Neoma- It seems as if you were wrong though because he almost killed Twilight!

Theodon- I Know that... the elephant in the room is How?

Alina- Theodon... could there be a exit that you didn't know about?

Theodon- There can't be, the whole Purpose of the Null Realm was that it was an inescapable prison, but we just had our, now former, friend break out of it and almost kill her.

Alina- I understand, but could there be any other answer?

Theodon- No... And Spike is where ever he could be right now

Theodon looked at Twilight, who was still distraught after what happened, he thoughts and memories of the baby dragon were destroyed and replaced by the sight of the destroyer that he is now

Theodon- Twilight, are you going to be okay? Or at least in some form okay?

Twilight looked at Theodon, still in shock of what happened

Twilight- I don't know...

Theodon- Twilight, look at me

Twilight- Look, I just lost my friend... I thought he was dead and now that I know what he's turned into, part of me thinks he would've been better off dead

Alina- Twilight!

Theodon- No, trust me... after seeing what spike has turned into. I can tell from experience, seeing someone you care about turn into a monster isn't something you ever want to see.

The silence was loud andTheodon knew that whatever happened, and what was going to happen, none of it will ever be the same. 

Theodon- Why don't you girls go home, I'll figure out what to do from here

Present time 

Theodon- Twilight isn't ready

Alina- But she has done all you've asked of her, every task, every piece of training she does until she can't do it wrong. What more do you want from her? 

Theodon- She's not emotionally. Spike broke her, she strong magically, physically, and godly, but what happened at that library, I don't think she could handle what's next

Alina- Didn't youu send Neoma and I to fight Sombra? A Dark Magic user who was powered by Dark God Energy. And we won! Twilight was possessed by a God  and survived, she even took their power and potential for herself, she has the capability to adapt to what's happening. I know you don't think she's ready but I've known her longer, I've taughter, I believe that she can do it. 

Theodon- If I were to do it... Do you think it would work? 

Alina- I can't say it won't work. 

Theodon- Alright, I Trust you.

A guard came in with a scroll and presented it to the two of them 

Royal Guard- My Princess, I have a message. From Princess Mi Amore Cadenza

Alina- Cadence? 

Theodon- Who? 

Null Realm

Spike looked over the capsule, reminiscing over Renaé, he held onto the capsule tightly and cried. Spike wiped the tears away, walked out of his cottage and into the village. 

Ihmir- I was wondering when you were going to get here

Spike- Yeah, my bad... 

Ihmir- Well, ever since you've shown me that exit of the Null Realm... I've been studying it, and I've left to the Realm of Gods multiple times. 

Spike- Why 

Ihmir, Remember the story I told you about Dragon's Breath, about Fruglen, I might have something to help you.

Spike- What? 

Ihmir gave him a vile of liquid.

Spike- What is this? 

Ihimir- The Bone Marrow of Fruglen, or what's left of it. That is straight from the body. 

Spike- What does this have to do with anything? 

Ihmir- You'll see the next time you use your dragons breath form. If you plan on going back to Equestria and fight, then you're going to need to be stronger

Spike- You're right. I tried to attack Twilight, but T... He stopped me within a blink of an eye. I need to be stronger, be faster

Ihmir- What about him? 

Spike- I will kill him

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