Amulet Part 1

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Everfree Forest

Scootaloo- Woah... you weren't kidding

Sweetie Belle- See, I told you there's an alicorn in the forest

Applebloom- Well I'll be darned you were right

the CMC was hiding behind a bush, spying on a green Alicorn in the Everfree Forest. 

Applebloom- So what do you know about her? 

Sweetie Belle- Not much, as soon as I saw her, I came straight to you two. 

Applebloom- So we could be going into something dangerous, do you know what could happen?

Sweetie Belle- Yes but.. 

Applebloom- Look, After Applejack came home after being missing for weeks and then has her whole Element of Harmony thingy in her chest she's been warning me that things are starting to get dangerous and we should be careful about who is around us.

Scootaloo- Wait, where'd she go? 

Illoua- What're you looking at?

The three of them were startled and let out a yelp. Shocking Illoua

Illoua- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you

Illoua- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you

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Applebloom- Please don't hurt us!

Sweetie Belle- We didn't mean to do anything!!

Scootaloo- We're sorry!

The three of them ran away, leaving Illoua shocked. 

Illoua- They're cute. 

Illoua followed them towards Ponyville

CMC Treehouse

Scootaloo- Sweetie Belle, look what you did! We might be on the bad side of an Alicorn... who knows what could happen to us

Sweetie Belle- I know, but she seemed nice though, maybe she didn't want to hurt us? She looked very nice. 

Applebloom- I doubt it. Didn't you feel that aura coming off of her? She seemed really strong!

Scootaloo- Yeah, She was scary

Sweetie Belle-  Well, we didn't even give her a chance to introduce herself 

Applebloom- Well we know where to find her, if we want to see her again. But Applejack said to be safe. 

There was a knock on the door and Applebloom opened it to see Illoua standing there. 

Applebloom- Ahh!! she found us!!

Scootaloo- What're we gonna do!? 

Sweetie Belle- Calm down. Give her a chance to speak!

Illoua- Thank you, who are you 3? 

Sweetie Belle- I'm Sweetie Belle, that's Scootaloo and this is Applebloom. We're the Cutie Mark Crusaders. 

Illoua- Cutie Mark Crusaders? 

Sweetie Belle- Who Are you? 

Illoua- I am Illoua. Do any of you happen to know an Applejack? 

Applebloom- How do you know about Applejack? 

Illoua- I'm a friend of hers. I want to check on her. 

Applebloom- I'm he sister, and she has never said anything about you. 

Illoua- I'm not from here and I would like to meet with her again. 

Applebloom- Look, my sister is away at the moment doing something, you can wait for her to come back later. 

Illoua- Oh, that's alright. I can just indulge myself  with you three then? I'm really curious on what this Cutie Mark Crusader is about. 

Illoua sat herself down and looked and waited patiently. 

Scootaloo- You really aren't gonna go away are ya? 

Illoua- You're the one who said to wait for her, didn't you? I'd at least like to know more about your Crusades. How many have you gone on? How long have these quests taken? What do you hope to accomplish from these quests? 

Sweetie Belle- See, I told you she was nice!

Applebloom- She asks a lot of questions. 

Scootaloo- She did say she wasn't from here. Maybe she's foreign? 

Illoua- Yes... I guess you could say that. But i'd like to know more about your crusades, please. Or at least what you do. And What is a Cutie Mark? 

Scootaloo- A Cutie Mark? You don't know what it is? 

Illoua- I'm sorry... should I? 

Scootaloo- They're our special talents, what makes us well... us. 

Illoua- You let  your life be determined by your talent? That's very restrictive. You're letting your fate be pre-determined by a single talent? 

Sweetie Belle- Well it doesn't have to be one... it's really confusing.

Illoua- So what are your Cutie Marks then? 

Applebloom- We don't have any. That's why we made this group. So that we all can find our own. 

Illoua- That sounds nice, I guess. 

Sweetie Belle- So what do you do? 

Illoua- Oh... What do I do? It's umm, complicated. 

Sweetie Belle- Complicated? In what way?

Illoua- It's hard to explain really, it'll only bore you three to death.

Applebloom- Well, make it interesting. 

Illoua- I... well I am... I Gardener is some sort. I maintain, grow, and sustain life everywhere. I grow things as small as blades of grass all the way to giant trees. Sometimes when branches need pruning, I'm the one who has to do it. But there's someone else who is far better in that line of work than I am. I help things live. 

Sweetie Belle- That sounds nice. 

Illoua- It's far more stressful than you think.

Sweetie Belle- So, are you a princess? 

Illoua- I'm sorry? 

Scootaloo- You're an Alicorn. You have to be royalty

Illoua- In some aspect you could say I am. I lead a lot of my peers and their subjects. 

Sweetie belle- So you Are a princess!

Illoua- It'd be easier if I'd just show you

Illoua walked outside and the thee of them followed. Magic flowed to her horn as the apple trees around them started sprouting more apple than they could possibly imagine. 

Illoua- In your terms... I'm the Princess of Life.

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