The Point of No Return part 2

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Twilight stands in the middle of the room, still basking in the high of her victory. The lifeless body of Mayor Mare lies at her hooves.

Twilight- Finally, I am free to rule as I see fit

Suddenly, she pauses mid-monologue and turns to look out the window. Her expression quickly turns to one of shock and disbelief.

Twilight- What is this? Canterlot is missing? No matter. I have more important things to attend to now The Princesses are gone, and Equestria is now mine to rule. No one can stand in my way! Spike is gone too, but I don't care anymore. And as for my so-called 'friends,' they abandoned me. They're probably off somewhere cowering in fear, hoping that I won't come after them next

Twilight's eyes narrow as she surveys the room, reveling in her newfound power.

Twilight But it's too late for them now. I won't stop until all of Equestria is under my rule. No one can stop me now!


Iloua- These five ponies will be important to the future of Equestria. I must ensure that their bodies are forming properly.

She walks around the Incubating pods looking at every one of them

Iloua- AppleJack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. You are all destined for greatness. Your bodies are fusing with your spirits to become the powerful beings you were meant to be. But Po'Dolue's grip on Twilight is tightening. She is this realm's last hope, and you cannot afford to lose her. I must do everything in my power to protect you and prepare the rest of Equestria for the worst. You must be strong, my little ones. Your strength and courage will be needed to defeat the darkness that threatens your land.

Illoua put her hand to the ground as the roots of the pods wrap around it

Iloua- I can feel the power growing within them. They will be ready when the time comes. But until then, I must watch over them for a little while longer

Iloua felt a presence behind her and looked to see Henus, the God of Wisdon

Iloua felt a presence behind her and looked to see Henus, the God of Wisdon

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Iloua- Henus, the Goddess of Wisdom. It is good to see you again.

Henus- Iloua, the Goddess of Life. How are the incubating ponies doing?

Iloua- They are doing well. Their bodies are forming properly and I can feel their power growing within them.

Henus- That is good to hear. However, we cannot forget about Twilight. Po'dolue's grip on her is getting stronger by the day, and she is our last hope.

Iloua- I know, but we must be careful. The Omnipotent has made it clear that we cannot interfere directly with the affairs of Equestria. This Culling Game is strictly between Theodon with Equestria and Nikolas with his group of... Murderers

Henus- Yes, we must tread carefully. The consequences of our interference could be dire.

Iloua- If only we could help Twilight without breaking the rules. But I fear there may be no other way.

Henus- Do not worry, my friend. We will find a way to help Twilight and the ponies of Equestria. the Winds of Change are nearly amongst us and it will soon blow into our favor

Iloua- Thank you, Henus. Your wisdom always brings me comfort.

Henus- And your life-giving powers give me hope.

Iloua-Together, we will do everything we can do what is needed to give these ponies the power to protect Equestria and its citizens. Even if it means doing so from a distance, for the sake of the greater good.

Henus- Yes, we must trust in the greater plan, and have faith that our actions will eventually lead to the defeat of Po'dolue and the temporary peace of Equestria. But remember, we aren't the only ones, you are not alone

Null Realm

Ihmir walked out of the room and sat down

Spike- How is Renaé doing, Ihmir? Is she okay?

Ihmir- Renaé is stable for now, Spike. She is unconscious but her vitals are good. You don't have to worry about her for the time being.

Spike- That's good to hear. I was really worried about her.

Ihmir:-You care for my daughter a lot, don't you?

Spike- Y-Yeah, I do. She's become a good friend to me, and I can't imagine losing her.

Ihmir- I understand... You know, Spike, Renaé feels the same way about you.

Spike- Really? She does?

Ihmir- Yes, she does. She may not show it as much as you do, but she cares about you deeply. You two have a special bond.

Spike- I'm glad to hear that... Ihmir, can you tell me more about Renaé's mother?

Ihmir- Of course. Renaé's mother was a powerful mage, just like me. She died protecting the city from an invasion of an invasive species that was dropped into the Null Realm. She was a brave and selfless woman.

Spike- Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Renaé must miss her mother a lot.

Ihmir- Yes, she does. But she is also very proud of her mother's sacrifice. Renaé is a strong young woman, just like her mother.

Spike- She really is... Ihmir, is there anything else you can do to help Renaé?

Ihmir- Yes, I can... But first, I need to heal you. You're exhausted and your injuries need attention.

Ihmir put a spell barrier over Spike and he began healing

Spike- No, Ihmir, please. Renaé needs your help more than I do. I can wait.

Ihmir- I appreciate your concern for Renaé, Spike, but I can't help her if you're not well... Trust me, I'll take care of you first, and then we'll focus on Renaé. Okay? She's going to be fine for now

Spike- Okay, Ihmir. I trust you.

Discord's Statue

Neoma was in her human form with Aliana right next to her

Alina- I don't ever think I'm going to get used to that form

Neoma- Neither am I, but this is the only way I could use my God Powers with my weapon

Neoma charged her energy in the scythes and slashed into the air where Theodon disappeared

Neoma- Alright Sister, let's go

Alina- Yes- let's g--

Alina dn Neome was sucked into the portal and dumped inside of a cave, they found their way out to see themselves on an island

Alina dn Neome was sucked into the portal and dumped inside of a cave, they found their way out to see themselves on an island

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Neoma- Woah... This... This place...

Alina- It has to be...

Neoma- We made it... We're inside Theodon's mind

God Of Reality: World of Friendshipحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن