Fragment of Chaos (Season 2 Premiere)

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8 Months had passed since Theodon and Twilight left Canterlot, and she had evolved far from before. Theodon and Twilight were seen as drifters, going through Appleloosa, Dodge City, Baltimare, and the Everfree Forest. Everywhere Theodon and Twilight had gone through almost every part of Equestria.

Theodon- Twilight... do you feel that?

Twilight- Yeah, I feel sick... 

Theodon- We have to go to Canterlot... Now!

Twilight summoned a portal they were in the Canterlot throne room

Alina- Theodon, Twilight

Theodon- Alina, I know you felt that too

Alina- Yes, I did... Unfortunately, I know what it is

Theodon- My Chaos Energy... You said that a piece of my Chaos Energy was still around...

Alina- Yes... Discord...

Theodon- Such an Original name

Alina- It is what he called himself, Discord is a draconequus, a creature of many animals, and the embodiment of Chaos

Theodon- Where is he? You were able to defeat it, correct?

Alina- Well... not really defeat... more or less, sealed away

Theodon- Well, we're fucked...

Alina- What does that mean?

Theodon- Call everyone here, Now!!

Celestia cast a spell and the 5 other ponies appeared

The 5- Twilight!

Theodon- There's no time for introductions

RD- Theodon... You're back...

Theodon- Well don't sound too excited, we have more important things to talk about

AJ- The weather?

Rarity- Magic not working for anyone?

Theodon- Calm Down! Listen... The creature doing this is called Discord... its a piece of my Chaos

AJ- Your... Chaos?

Theodon- Being of God of Reality, I have more responsibilities than just going through realities, I have to maintain the Energy of Chaos, if it was to be released, who knows what would've happen

RD- Could it defeat Nikolas?

Theodon- Theoretically, yes... Actually, no

Pinkie- Why not? You could go a BAAAM! and win this whole game!

Theodon- That's why I said Theoretically... If I was to actually use the power of Chaos, it would defeat Nikolas, with the price of me losing all of my sanity

Pinkie- Oh...

Theodon- I'm going to talk to him... see if we can make him surrender and maybe end an uneccesary conflict

Alina- It'll be too dangerous

Theodon- It's my power, I should be the one to handle it

Twilight- Let me come with you

Theodon- if anyone of you follow me, you will most likely die.

A voice then laughed through the throne room and then a glass portrait began to move

???- My, My, My such a dark tone for you Theo

Rarity- What is that?

Theodon- It's not Nikolas... this energy I'm sensing has a lot of Chaos within it... I assume this is discord who we are speaking to?

God Of Reality: World of FriendshipHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin