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Spike and Renae were in the pit looking for the right stone but they all look the same, there were no differences between the luster of the stones

Spike- Renaé, we've been searching for hours, but they all look the damn same!

Renae- Spike, we can't give up now. There must be something we're missing. We need to think about the message on the stones: "Burns the brightest." It must be a clue

Spike- "Burns the brightest"... Could it mean something related to fire or light?

Renae- Yes, exactly! Spike, I have an idea. Activate your Dragon's Breath form and let your flames engulf the stones. Maybe it will reveal the true Portal Stone

Spike- Dragon's Breath? But it's so powerful. I could hurt you

Renae- Trust me, Spike. You can't hurt me, Your flames won't harm the stones, but they might unveil the one that "burns the brightest." We need to try

Spike: (hesitant) Alright, Renaé, I trust you

Spike takes a deep breath, and his body ignites with fiery power as he transforms into his Dragon's Breath form. Flames erupt from his mouth, engulfing the stones one by one. Renae studied the stones as they burst into flames

Renae- Amazing, Spike! Look!

Suddenly, one of the stones begins to glow brighter than the others. Spike deactivated his form and looked at it

Spike- Renaé, it worked! That stone, it's burning brighter than the rest.

Renae- That must be the right Portal Stone, Spike. You did it!

Spike- Thank you, Renaé. I couldn't have done it without you

Renae couldn't help herself and kissed Spike

Renae-No, I couldn't have done this without you, Spike. Without you, I would've never known what lies beyond the Null Realm. Now, let's activate the stone and get you... No, get us back to Equestria

Renae and Spike approach the glowing Portal Stone, placed their hand upon it, and chanted an ancient language. The stone ripples with energy, absorbing all the stones around it, and a portal shimmers into existence

Spike- This is it! I'm finally going home!

Renae hugged Spike and looked at her

Renae- Spike...

Renae looked like she wanted to say something but couldn't find the right words. But Spike just brought her in Tightly

Spike- It's ok Renaé, whatever happens, I'll protect you... this time we're gonna be on my territory

They walked through the portal and were in a cave


Spike and Renae exited the portal and were inside a cave

Spike- Renaé? Are you ok?

Renae- I feel warm inside... and out... It's not cold here

Spike looked at her and she was completely fine

Renae- Spike are we really here?

Spike- Yes... We are

Spike grabbed her hand and walked out of the cave

Spike grabbed her hand and walked out of the cave

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