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Heart of Life

Illoua walked out of the Heart to see Theodon walking out of the Portal to the Realm of Gods

Illoua- Theodon? What happened?

Theodon- Illoua! You're awake!

Illoua- I don't know what took me so long... I'm sorry for my absence. What have I missed?

Theodon- A lot.

Illoua- Fruglen?

Theodon- Escaped...

Illoua- What? So then Spike...

Theodon- Spike is actually fine, Twilight used Snatch...

Illoua- How'd she learn that?

Theodon- I don't know... She never told me...

Illoua got up and they went to the surface where the ponies were being trained to fight.

Illoua- What'd I miss?

Theodon- We're going to war tomorrow... I just got done talking with the Gods on our side... They'll be ready

Illoua- What about you?

Theodon- I'll be ready. I've given up a lot to get here. I refuse to lose. Go find Alina, we're going to the Crystal Empire soon.

Canterlot High

Sandya was walking through the halls of Canterlot high and went to her locker. She felt like she finally found home, but something was missing. She looked at the picture of her with her friends. And surprisingly Pinkie and AJ were waiting for her at the door.

Pinkie- Sandya! Over here!

Sandya- I'm coming!

She closed the locker and ran over to them.

AJ- You alright?

Sandya- Yeah, I'm doing good. It's been awkward being confused for Sunset every once in a while. People still think i'm a jerk and mean.

Pinkie- Yeah, being possessed will do that! They'll get over it.

Sandya- How do you know that?

Pinkie- Just a hunch

Sandya- Thank you, Pinkie. I'm ready to go home

AJ- Yeah same here. You gonna be alright?

Sanyda- Yeah, I think I'll be fine.

Sandya walked outside and looked at the portal

Portal Room

Theodon placed his hoof on the portal

Theodon- Sandya... Things are about to change... I hope you're doing good. I'm going to fix things...

Canterlot High

Sandya had her hand on the wall of the statue. She felt that missing feeling fill a little bit, but not fully.

Sandya- What is this?

The feeling started to fade away and Sandya took her hand off.

Sandya- What is this... Why can't that feeling stay?

Crystal Empire

Theodon walked away from the portal and found the Princess, Illoua, Henus, Spike, and the Girls in the meeting room with a bottle in the center

Theodon- Another bottle before battle?

Illoua- We did one for Fruglen... Didn't we? I feel like fighting The Omnipotent and Nikolas himself should be bottle worthy.

God Of Reality: World of FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now