Terrifying Potential

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Twilight- Lord Theodon, what the hell happened? Where's Spike!?

Theodon- What is Spike?

Twilight teleported in front of Theodon and got in his face

Twilight- Where did he take Spike!!?

Theodon- If you answer me then we might be able to save him in time

Twilight- Theodon!!

Theodon- Spike, he was taken to wherever Nikolas has held up to... there's something with Spike that Nikolas wants so if you want to save him you will answer my questions

Twilight- fine then what?

Theodon- What is Spike?

Twilight- He's a Dragon, just some ordinary Dragon

Theodon- well, this ordinary dragon, is something far more powerful than we can imagine...

Twilight- Why

Theodon- Where I come from, Dragons are weapons, their bodies are adapters for God Energy and when they get that energy everything about their overall body and anatomy changes, they grow in size, their power shoots through the roof, and next thing you know they are one of the most powerful creatures here

Twilight- so what does that mean for Spike

Theodon- unless we do something right now, the next time we see him will be as an enemy, and not as our friend

Theodon and Neoma formed back into their pony forms and left for the castle

Canterlot Castle

Alina- So where could Nikolas be?

Theodon- knowing Nikolas he could be either messing with us and has left this realm of reality, or... he could still be in this realm and have a barrier covering his base, concealing his Aura, along with his minions

Neoma- Then the question stands, is where is he?

Theodon- Well, Barriers are the only issue that we face, if a barrier is up then everything is at risk, seeing as Nikolas is a pillar his Barrier is a lot more hidden than regular ones

Alina- Equestria is so big, it would take weeks to find out where he is

Theodon- well it would only take 4 days for Spike to be turned into a weapon

Twilight- he was only a baby dragon, what could they do to him

Theodon- Nikolas has no morals for War, he'll do what it takes to win

Unknown land: Nikolas' Base

Spike- let go of me!!

Nikolas- quiet

Nikolas froze spike in time and opened a pocket universe

Secret Arts: True Solitary

The pocket universe was just darkness, nothing or no one was within it. Nikolas unfroze Spike and he saw the portal in front of him

Spike- what is that?

Nikolas- let's see how you do after a day in there

Spike- what do you mean

Nikolas- well it'll be a day for me, in there... i don't know, I know that the time dilation is about 300 to 400 times slower than in this reality, good luck

Nikolas threw Spike in there and walked away. Yet inside of the pocket universe Spike was in complete sensory deprivation, he couldn't hear, see, smell, or feel anything. It was like he was floating in nothing. Screams weren't heard, he couldn't bang on anything, just float there until Nikolas let him out

Canterlot Castle

Alina projected a map of Equestria on the floor for everyone to see

Theodon- ok, let's get the difficult stuff out of the way, it takes 4 days for Spike to become our enemy, but we might be able to get 5 days, Spike seems to be loyal to you all so Nikolas would want to break him which would add more time to us, yet more time for Nikolas to break him

Twilight- How are we supposed to save him?!

Theodon-  Well, until then let's mark some areas off. Every big city on this planet is marked off, Ponies, even though it is a small amount, they still give off traces of energy. If he were to cast a Barrier it would cut off every trace of Energy within the area and I would notice it easily, revealing his position 

Theodon cast a spell marking the hotspots of Equestria where Spike and Nikolas could be 

Theodon- Well, that marks it down to 2 places, yet, it wouldn't make sense for some of them, Applelossa, a desert town, in the middle of nowhere, would be barren of anything resourceful. So it would only come down to one place, the Dragon Lands, multiple dragons, and mountain terrain,  it would be perfect for him to hide and build up an army 

Rarity- So this is where they are? 

Theodon- It's a probably, we need to get a Reconnicance around that area

Fluttershy- So you're saying we have to go to the Dragon Lands? 

Theodon- the princesses and I will go, none of you are ready for this yet

Twilight- I am

Theodon- If he had the time to make a portion of the Dragons into his army then all of you would die in seconds 

Twilight- But... I have to--

Theodon- We're going, end of discussion

Twilight- Lord Theodon, I beg of you, let us come 

Theodon- If you have any purpose of living after this, then you will not come close to the dragon lands for the next 2 days 

RD- Spike is our friend we have to save him 

Theodon- Would you rather have him see your corpse? 

They were all silent and Theodon cast a spellbinding them to Canterlot and Ponyville 

Theodon- Binding Art: Restricted Confinement 

AJ- You can't keep us bound here, we have to help him!!

Alina- As much as I agree with you, for your safety, you must stay here

Neoma- We will return home with Spike soon 

They teleported walked out to a balcony and flew away 

Rainbow dash tried to fly away but was then bounded by chains and brought back to the ground 

RD- No!

Nikolas Base

A day had officially passed and Nikolas opened a portal in a cell that threw out  Spike, who looked physically in order 

Spike- Where... Where am I? 

Nikolas- welcome back... how was your day? 

Spike- Day? It's only been a Day? It's felt like months 

Nikolas- Well, seeing how you survived that, we can now begin your training 

Nikolas healed him with God Energy and Spike tried to fight back but was beaten by Nikolas. 

Spike- Try that again... I dare you

Spike tried to fight back again but he was kicked into a corner

Spike- augh!! why?

Nikolas tied Spike to a chair and grabbed a blunt object and started beating Spike, and wouldn't stop for hours.

Spike- Stop! please!! Stop!!

Nikolas wouldn't stop and continued torturing him for hours. Whenever he got bored he just had his minions beat him for as long as they wanted to

Spike- Someone Help me! 

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