Battle of the Bands

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Sandya was in the hallway, Sandya leaned against her locker, confining herself to her head. 

Fluttershy- Sandya.... Are you okay? 

Sandya- No I'm not okay, Fluttershy. I try to start new with someone who doesn't know anything yet, I try and then, whoop here comes Flash Sentry to save the day. Just my luck, why am I being punished for something someone else did? 

Fluttershy- Sandya, I don't know what you're going through but someone out there... there is someone who's going to be close to you like we are. It may not be now, but soon, it's coming. 

Sandya- I'd wish it'd get here sooner. I just want people to know I'm Sandya... not Sunset Shimmer

Fluttershy- It's time to go home, maybe a good night's rest will make things better. 

Sandya- I hope so. 

Equestria - Twilight's Castle (The Next Day)

Twilight was able to move her things into the castle. She had no idea how little she had... Or how big the Castle was. Or at least on the inside

Twilight- Wow...It's... It's uh really big

She was alone in the Castle. It was quiet and the wind flowing through was the only noise being heard. 

Twilight- Ooookayyyy. I can stay here... Right? 

Twilight walked around the Castle she  tried to memorize the places around the interior. 

Twilight- I need interaction... It's too peaceful

Twilight walked out of her door to see Discord Standing there

Discord- We need to talk

Canterlot High 

Sandya Got the news that a new group of Students would be coming to the school and that she was personally picked to give them a tour around the school, on her way there she was giving herself a pep-talk

Sandya- Come on... it's your second chance for a redemption. Theodore might not have worked but this... This has to. A new start right here. 

Sandya- That was... Odd. 

The 3 Girls walked down the hallway and walked past Theodore on their journey. Something caused them to get their attention on him 

Adagio- That... That Aura coming off of that Boy... 

Aria- You can't be serioous... That's Theodon? 

Sonata- Am I feeling something wrong, or is he like... reallllly weak now

Adagio- No, he has lost a lot of power. Almost all of it... If that's the case then... 

Theodore put his books away and was about to leave, but Adagio sat in front of him 

Theodore- Hi... Who are you? 

 Adagio- You don't remember me... Do you? 

Theodore- I'm sorry, I don't. Have we met before? 

Adagio- Oh we have, we used to be... Good Friends

Theodore- Really? I'm sorry, I don't remember you... 

Adagio- We used to have a tune that we used to recognize each other

Theodore- really? 

Adagio- Maybe this might jog your memory

Adagio sang her song to Theodore. His eyes glowed a green hue. 

Theodore- Oh yeah... I think I do... It's been a while

Adagio- I know it has. 

Adagio grabbed his chin and locked lips with Theodore. The Green Hue changed into making his full eye color green. 

Twilight's Castle

Twilight- Nikolas, WHAT?! 

Discord- Nikolas escaped. He has a cult apparently... Servants of Chronos. He had them break him out of prison a bunch of other criminals. 

Twilight- Even... 

Discord- Even Balaam

Twilight- No... No. No. No. No!!! We fought to end this and you're telling me it's starting all over again?! After we got RID of Theodon!? 

Discord- The Other Primordials and I are searching Throughout the Nexus, we're looking everywhere but there are other criminals that were released and some even came into your realm, just warning you

Twilight- Thanks!? You're so much help!

Discord- I don't know what it will take, but we are going to need Theodon back, ASAP!

Twilight- If we find him, We will kill him on the spot, agreed? 

Discord- Agreed

Canterlot High

Sandya and the Girls were eating at lunch, Sandya sat down looking around

AJ- Are you alright, Sandya? 

Sandya- Those new girls that I was asked to tour around, they were really suspicious

Rarity- Suspicious in what way? 

Sandya- I mean, they seemed like they were hiding something from people...Or maybe they already know... I'm doomed

The Girls were able to leave the Cafeteria and get away form the ground

AJ- Alright, Now that was suspicious. Something is definitely going on with them.  

RD- What's the plan then? We can't get Twilight here and Theodon is acting like he's never seen us before. 

Fluttershy- Is there anyway to contact Twilight? 

Sandya- I... I might have something

Sandya went into her locker and pulled out a book. 

Rarity- Darling... That's a book. 

Sandya- Not just any book, It was a book that kept me in contact with Princess Celestia... or Kept Sunset... Its a way of communication maybe it'll work now... and we can get help here. 

Fluttershy- It sounds like a good Idea, it's worth a try. 

Sandya- Here goes nothing I guess


Alina was in her study meditating , but a book inside of her self began to resonate. It caught her attention and she opened it up and began to read it. 

Alina went out into the throne rom in a hurry

Alina- Contact Princess Twilight and her Friends Immediately!

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