Canterlot High Part 1

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Theodon walked forward but noticed Twilight was still on the ground.

Theodon- Twilight?

Twilight- This place... did it force us into human forms? This is so weird.

Theodon- No, this realm... it's like a sub-realm, it's common for some realms but this place isn't right... we have bigger issues though, We have to find San--Sunset.

Twilight- We should split up.

Stop at 1:32

In Another part of the school, Theodon looked everywhere for her but couldn't find anything.

Theodon- Dammit... Fuck...

Theodon went to the restroom and looked in the mirror.

Theodon- FUCK!

Theodon punched the mirror, this mind racing through all of the possibilites of how she could be there. How Sandya is alive.

Theodon- The Weapon she used... It was made by Gods... Li'Kahl... Nikolas... They're dead

Blood began to drip from Theodon's hand, just from punching glass? Ever since last Night, he's felt weaker. The Dagger she used seemed to take his durability away, along with overall power levels. But that wasn't the time. Theodon wrapped up his hand and walked out of the restroom. Everyone was gone, there was a bell that rang, must've been time for them to disperese. But thankfully with them gone, Theodon could see Sunset Clearly

Sunset- Hey.

Theodon froze again. Sunset looked so much like her, it was uncanny.

Sunset- You in there? C'mon Theodon, your age catching up to you?

Theodon- I could say the same for you. Do you even remember?

Sunset- What?

Theodon- Our life. Lukis, Camid. Any of it?

Sunset's eyes glowed green and she looked lost.

Sunset- What are you talking about?

Theodon- - You really don't remember...

Sunset- Look I don't know who you think I am. But you gotta get your head straight. Weirdo.

Sunset walked away and Theodon stood there.

Theodon- *Twilight, meet me outside*

Twilight found Theodon standing, watching the road.

Twilight- Are you okay?

Theodon- She doesn't remember...

Twilight- What?

Theodon- Sunset doesn't remember who she is. Her memory has to have been altered. Her soul is still there but it's being restrained she doesn't remember anything... Twilight... She doesn't remember anything...

Twilight- Theodon, don't worry. We can fix this, we can help her.

Theodon- The only one who can help her is on Nikolas' side. You think that she'll help us? The enemy?

Twilight- We can fin another way, don't worry!

Theodon- I've figured out what she stole.

Twilight- What?

Theodon- She stole my weapon.

Twilight- What?! How?!

Theodon- When she cut me with that knife. She stole some energy from me, when I woke up I felt weaker but my energy didn't feel different. If i try to summon my spear. I can't. I know what she's for.

Twilight- What are you thinking?

Theodon- They know I can hurt Sandya. So they had to have resurrected her so that they could use my weapon to transfer the Power of Reality to someone... It's working...

Twilight- Theodon, are you sure you're emotionally okay for this?

Theodon- I-I don't know... I don't have a choice. I have to be ready.

Twilight- We have a mission. Get your spear back and see if we can get Sandya's memory back. Theodon you can trust me, we may not be able to get it done this time, but it will happen.

Theodon- What progress have you made?

Twilight- Well, there are some interesting things I've learned.

Theodon- What is it?


Twilight Told Theodon everything, the fall formal, Flutterhsy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Fluttershy, along with Principal Celestia and Luna. This place was basically an exact copy of Equestria just different.

Theodon- I'm going to look around this place, you do your thing here, alright?

Twilight- You got it.

Ignore Spike.

Unknown location

Theodon Meditated on an island. Everything is going crazy inside of him mind. Sunset Shimmer, Sandya, his Spear, everything going on.

Theodon- Myron... I need you to help me with this. Nothing makes sense

Theodon looked at the ocean and just thought about what could've happened to cause everything that happened.

Theodon- Li'Kahl... He's the only one who could've taken her from Heaven... Him and Nikolas... I'll kill them

Theodon punched the air, causing then ocean to split. He returned to CHS and found Twilight at a soccer field. She wasn't wrong about the girls, they were here but they were normal, no God Energy or anything. Before going to the ground Theodon decided to watch what was happening.

Theodon- You weren't wrong, Twilight.

Theodon floated to the ground and ran to the group

Twilight- Theodon, Where've you been?

Theodon- Figuring things out... I'm here 100% now.

Twilight- Great! Girls, this is Theodon, a Friend of mine who came with me here.

Rarity- Is he going to help us in anyway with the Formal?

Theodon- Formal? What are you talking about?

AJ- Where've you been?

Theodon- Places. I'll learn on the way.

The Group decided to get food and head to a bakery/café.

Theodon- So this is the way to get to Sunset Shimmer the fastest?

Rainbow- Yep, she won queen for the last 3 formals and now it's time to dethrone her. If what Twilight is saying is true then I believe that she can beat her easily. We just gotta get everyone together.

Theodon- Alright, so what's stopping us?

Applejack- The School is full of cliques. Everyone is separated into their own little groups and it's almost impossible for them to agree on anything, that's the hardest part.

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