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Realm of Gods - Meeting Room

Nikolas- How?! How the Hell did He Get in Here!? Without Anyone Noticing?! Did None of you see anything?!

Li'Kahl- Calm down, Nikolas, these people snuck past all of us. Even You. 

Nikolas- Look you little shit. The Omnipotent is already on my ass because this culling game is getting more and more in favor of Theodon and his ragtag group of losers! Sera is gone, Illoua is a traitor, and apparently from Theodon's message he has allies even in this Realm. So... I'm putting the Realm of Gods on Restricted Access. 

Wahl- Nikolas, you're being irrational, putting the Realm on Restricted Access is completely crazy. 

Nikolas- You want to know what's completely crazy? Look at this Room!! 2 Primoridals are missing. One is completely AWOL, while the other is a traitor.  

Eaner- Maybe it's a sign of the end, Nikolas. 

Nikolas- Eaner... You need to pick your side. 

Eaner- I don't have a side. 

Nikolas- Pick one, we're officially going to war. To hell with this Culling game. Theodon wanted a fight he finally got one!

Eaner- I'm not going to fight in your war. I'm not with Theodon, but this bloodshed over one realm... It's pathetic

Nikolas- I am the Pillar here, You listen to me. You wi--

Eaner- I've seen 3 of you go by. I wonder if you'll make the 4th

Eaner got up and walked out of the room

Nikolas- That Bitch... 

Wahl- I am a God of Peace, I cannot interfere with this. I support you NIkolas but... I cannot participate in this fight. 

Li'Kahl- I can bring support with the undead. I cannot promise that they will be strong. But I can bring numbers. 

Nikolas- Bring your army together, prepare for a battle. 

Realm of Gods - Chamber of Death

Eaner walked around her chamber, the loneliness surrounding her covered her in familiarity 

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Eaner walked around her chamber, the loneliness surrounding her covered her in familiarity 

Eaner went to the spire and entered the flame. She relieved her memories of her life and went through their experiences again. There was one era of memories from her life that she loved reliving

Null Realm

Spike- Cmon... this can't be that difficult. 

Renaé- You're trying, that's all that matters 

Spike flapped his wings and clumsily flew into the air but eventualy fell back on his back again. Renae only watching out of amusement. 

Renaé- You're getting it, Spike. Sooner or later. 

Spike- You make it so easy, this body is all new to me. It's kinda like how I was as a dragon... but all fleshy. 

 Renaé- In all honesty, you're progressing pretty well, a lot better than others

Ihmir walked outside with a griamore of some sort

Renaé- What do you have this time, father? 

Ihmir- It's a history book, one that I smuggled away with me when left the Realm of gods. 

Spike- What's in it?

Ihmir- It's ancient,  older than most Pillars, the Previous God of Magic had this book in his possession.           

Spike- What about it? 

Ihmir- I'm getting to it. It spoke about a High Council. Not one like the Primordials, like they control existence itself. 

Spike- But The Omnipotent is existence... right? That's what you've told me anyway. 

Ihmir- That's what we all thought. None of the books in my study were fiction, all of them were history, spell, or books of previous gods. 

Spike- Could there have been a time before the Omnipotent? 

Ihmir- That shouldn't be possible... 

Spike- After everything I've been through... especially you. Anything is possible at this point. 

Ihmir- Existence... before Existence...

Renaé- It's not completely out of the question...

Ihmir- It's highly unlikely, but it's not impossible... there's so little information of the world before the Omnipotent if there even was

Renaé- Enough conspiracy theories. I'm starting to get hungry. Can we eat something?

Spike- Yeah. Sure. Ihmir... We can get back to this.

Ihmir left the room and it was just Renaé and Spike

Renaé- So, still wanna go back to Equestria?

Spike- Yeah... I miss my friends. Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy. I miss them all.

Renaé- So, if I'm going with you, I wanna know. Where are we going to go first?

Spike- I gotta take you to Manehattan. A whole city of fashion and ponies everywhere. The clothes obviously wouldn't fit us but you'd enjoy it.

Renaé- Okay, that's... Interesting? Never really got the whole fashion thing... seemed inconvenient

Spike- All right here's something better, I could take you to my homeland, the Dragon Lands. A bunch of jerks but the scenery wise... very dry. I mean, not everywhere in Equestria is boring... you just have to find the right place and the right people. You know?

Reané- Yeah... I think I do.

Eaner regained consciousness and left the fire.

Eaner- Spike...

Eaner left her chamber and went to one of the exits of the Realm of Gods, but it was guarded. Nikolas' personal guards, the Knights of Chronos.

Eaner- What's going on here?

Guard of Chronos- Lord Eaner, we are guarding the exit to the Realm, as requested by Lord Nikolas.

Eaner- Let me through.

Guard of Chronos- Ma'am, if I may ask... to where?

Eaner- Business that came from the Omnipotent. You don't want me to go to him and say that you interfered... do you?

Guard of Chronos- N-No Ma'am... Please, go ahead.

Eaner walked past him and left

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