Prologue Final Part

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Alina was in a free fall out of the building, she lost consciousness but soon regained it and flew back into the building

Alina- Lord Theodon, what has gotten into you

Theodon- Retribution, Alina...

Alina- Retribution? For what?! What crime?

Theodon- for the crime of violating the Godly Accord, this world shall be punished for it

Alina- Lord Theodon, what happened when you left?

The Royal guard busted through the door and attacked Theodon

Alina- No, Stop!

It was too late, Theodon blasted them into pieces and kicked Alina into the town

Theodon mind space

Theodon- Stop... don't you dare hurt her!!

Omnipotent- quiet Theodon, everything that is happening is because of you... now watch and learn what it means to defy me

Theodon- "Alina... Run... Just Run!!"

Theodon was chained in space forced to watch as the Omnipotent control his body to make everything and everyone suffer


Theodon dropped to the ground in the middle of the city and watched Alina fall into another part. He looked around and saw how high class everything was

Theodon- wow... such class, you all must be comfortable living here, yet... It would look a lot better as a warzone

Theodon charged a ball of energy and dropped it on the ground exploding that area, everyone in the vicinity was vaporized. While in the other part all Alina could do was watch as screams of terror rang through the city

Alina- "Lord Theodon, you wouldn't do this... I-I need to get in your head"

Alina flew in Theodon's direction and blasted the ground putting up a smoke screen and flew in front of the Sun

Alina- Domain Expansion: Binding of a Sun Goddess

The sun brightness increased dramatically blinding Theodon and he was the bounced by chains from beneath him

Theodon- well isn't this interesting

Alina landed in front of him and got in his face

Alina- What is wrong with you?! You vaporized these innocent people, the Theodon I know would've never done that!!

Theodon- You're right, he wouldn't

Alina- What do you mean?

Theodon- You're right, Theodon would've never done this. He wouldn't have the resolve to, so I took over

Alina- who are you?

Theodon- I am everything in everything, I am the Omnipotent

Alina- what...

Theodon- I took over Theodon's body knowing he would never erase you from existence. So I'm doing it for him, just a little more sadisticly

Alina enacted a spell and invaded Theodon's mind

Theodon's Mind Space

Alina entered Theodon's mind and It was dark and quiet when she entered but the more time she spent there looking for him the louder and more chaotic it turned into.

Alina- "This area is just like Discords distorted reality"

She continued running and Then ran into a Omnipotent Infected Theodon stood in front of her

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