Silver Tongue

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The Arguing was loud, way too loud for anyone to Think. Theodore sat on the stage watching, covering his ears, trying to block out the noise in any way that he can. 

Theodore- Why is everyone being so damn loud?!

Theodore got up and began to walk out of the gym until Adagio caught him

Adagio- Woah, where are you going? 

Theodore- The arguing... It's getting on my nerves... 

Adagio- Oh come on, you saw what those girls did, they riled all of this up. 

Theodore- Yeah I was there. 

Adagio- Oh come on

Theodore got away from her grip and walked away. He was fine until she pinned him against the lockers

Adagio- You think you can blow me off? Like some cheap party act? I know who you are, Theodon, you can't hide from me. Now, you're going to listen to me, like the obedient servant you are. 

A green mist began to emit from Adagio's pendant and Theodore breathed it in.  Theodore began to release his tension and calm down

Adagio- Now, you get your little band together. And tomorrow during the 1st round, you're going to give them a show. Understood? 

Theodore- O-Okay... 

Theodore walked back into the gym and found Flash and the others in the corner of the gym

Theodore- Hey, Flash. 

Flash- Where have you been? You disappeared on us!

Theodore- Had stuff to deal with, we need to rehearse. Now. 

Flash- What? 

Theodore- They seem all riled up, I think we should give them a show tomorrow and blow their socks off. I wanna win this thing and how them who's best 

Flash- Alright... Alright, I like what you're thinking

Pinkies house

Everyone had fallen asleep, all except for Twilight and Sandya. Twilight was in the kitchen working on the counter-spell, but she had no progress. Sandya walked into the kitchen and saw her working there. 

Sandya- Still up? 

Twilight- Yeah, the Sirens... We need to come up with something 

Sandya- Well, I heard from Flash. Theodore's with the Dazzlings. You were right... he's under their control. Flash is saying that he can feel a suffocating aura around them. Especially around Theodore. I think that's what you were saying, about the Siren. 

Twilight- Shit... Yeah, you're right. What now? 

Sandya- I want to know more. 

Twilight- About Theodon... Or Theodore, I guess. Thats... That's... I have an idea. Come sit. 

Sandya and Twilight sat next to each other. Twilight began to resonate energy within her hands and placed then on her head


Twilight was inside of Sandya's head again. She found Sandya. 

Twilight- I'm back. 

Sandya- This is weird. You in my head... 

Twilight- Maybe we can get something back... A hint or something 

Sandya- Alright... Where do we sta--

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