Amulet Part 2

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Scootaloo- Woah!!! That's so cool!!

Sweetie Belle- The amount of magic that's needed for that... You grew the entire orchard!!

Applebloom- Why would you do that?!

Illoua- I'm sorry?

Applebloom- Why'd you use magic on the orchard!?

Illoua- I wanted to demonstrate my ability, to show my prowess. 

Applebloom- You couldn't do it some other way?! 

Illoua- I'm sorry if I offended you I didn--

Applebloom- I get you're new here but it's tradition for us Earth ponies we don't use magic! We do things with our own hooves to get it done!

Illoua- I didn't mean to do that. I apologize. 

Applebloom- Undo this... Please

Illoua undone all of her magic, returning the orchard to what it used to be. 

Illoua- Applebloom, I hope I'm not in bad taste with you. Believe I have no bad intentions 

Applebloom- I hear you, but my sister has been very paranoid recently, she's been very protective of my family too. Ever since this Theodon fella came through, there has barely been a moment of peace and quiet. 

Illoua- I understand, Theodon is in a bad place currently, I want to help him but I'm bound myself 

Applebloom- You Know Theodon? Are you like him? I thought you were a princess? 

Sweetie Belle- You're a God?!

Illoua- Shh... Don't say that so loudly. But yes, I am a God, The man who is behind this Chaos could be listening and if he finds out that I am here then the consequences would be very bad. 

Scootaloo- Oh... Like how? 

Illoua- Un fathomably dangerous. 

Sweetie Belle- Oh, When our sisters get back, maybe you can help them.

Illoua- Who is your sister, if I may ask? 

Sweetie Belle- Rarity. The one with the purple mane and white coat. 

Illoua- Yes, I know who she is. I just haven't seen the familiarity I guess. Do you happen to know where they are currently? 

Scootaloo- They're at the Crystal Empire right now. I don't know when they're gonna come back though. 

Illoua- Well, I think I've overstayed my welcome, thank you for your hospitably, girls. I hoppe we see each other again. 

Illoua walked out and created an opening in the ground and walked into it. 

Scootaloo- Y'know Applebloom, you were kinda rude. 

Applebloom- I know but... We barely Know her. she could be dangerous. 

Sweetie Belle- We don't know that... C'mon

Sweetie Belle ran towards the opening and Scootaloo Followed. 

Applebloom- Where are you goin'?! 

Sweetie Belle- To go find her!

Scootaloo- We could get an Adventuring Cutie Mark from this maybe! Stop being paranoid and let's go!

The two of them went down into the opening and even though she hesitated, Applebloom soon followed. 

Heart of Life

Heart of Life

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