Hell on Wheels

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|Izzy's POV|

Logan's cast is officially off and I swear this little boy is trying to hurt himself all over again. I have gotten countless calls from school of how he needs to be more careful. He's always in the nurse's office for some bump, scrape, or bruise. I get normal boy stuff, but Logan is on another level. I have tried talking to him. Ty has tried talking to him. He's 6 going on 16 at this point.

Getting ready for the day, I got Olivia dressed and it was time to get Logan off to school. Ty's schedule has been all over the place between people taking vacations, sick days, or whatever else. He's been filling in and I feel like it's been weeks since I've seen my husband. Going downstairs, Logan was already in the kitchen making an absolute mess. It's too early for this shit.

"Logan, what are you doing?"

He dropped whatever was in his hands and turned to me.

"Hi, mommy," he said in a baby voice.

Yeah, not going to work this time.

"Hi. What is all this mess?" I questioned, sitting Olivia in her high chair.

"Um, I was just trying to make breakfast."

I looked around to see he pulled out a bowl, cereal, and milk. While it was messy, he was actually trying to do something for himself. I can't knock his independence.

"I could've made a bowl of cereal for you."

He shook his head.

"I'm a big boy, mommy. I can do it. You don't have to baby me all the time."

I raised my brow at his change of attitude.

"I'm not sure who you're taking that tone with, but you need to fix it."

He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever," he mumbled.

Oh hell no.

"Excuse you?"


"Logan, I'm warning you, watch your mouth and your attitude."

He didn't say anything else.

"You still want cereal?"

"Yes, please," he quietly responded.

"Come on, let's clean this up and start over."

He got up and we cleaned the mess together before I pointed out and rearranged a few things so he could easily reach it.

"Now when you pour the milk, you have to go slow so the bowl doesn't overflow."


I watched him make his bowl of cereal before he got up to put everything away.

"Good job, sweetie."

"Thank you," he said with his mouth full.

I picked up Olivia and fed her a bottle while watching Logan eat.



"Can you not kiss me when you drop me off today?"

Wait, what?

"What? I always kiss your cheek."

"That's for baby's, mommy. I'm not a baby."

"Hey, my mom kisses my cheek all the time. Does that make me a baby?"

"No, but..."

"What about when Grandma Kels gives your dad a kiss on his cheek when she sees him. Does that make daddy a baby, too?"

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