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|Paul's POV|

Being back home was a relief for the time being. Taking on a corporate role was just as time consuming as it was being a wrestler. Thankfully I could work just about anywhere, but keeping up with a career and 6 kids, it was a challenge.

We were still working through this situation with Jimmy and Rebecca. Jamie was willing to talk to Natasha and they were able to get some clarity between them. There was always tension between them and as I expected it was based on lies. Natasha gave a statement on what she knew and Jimmy and Rebecca were in deep shit.

I was looking over some paperwork when I got a FaceTime call from Zach. I quickly answered.

Hey, son.

Hey, dad. Hope I'm not interrupting. I see you're in the office.

It's fine. Just wrapping things up for the night. What's going on?

Nothing really.


Yeah, dad. Just, uh, wanted to talk to someone.

I'm glad you called.


I didn't like how he was sounding.


I fucked up, dad. Kylie has been here for me through this entire process. She's gone to appointments with me. Does everything around the house. Helped me when I wasn't physically able to. Makes sure my brand is straight.

Whoa, whoa. Slow down. What happened?

He sighed.

I let my anger get the best of me.

How so?

I was drinking yesterday. Nothing crazy, just a few shots. She got upset about it, went to pour it out. I went after her, snatching the bottle out of her hand. One thing led to another and I threw it at the wall.

You what?

My son has officially lost his damn mind.

I know, dumb move.

You damn right it was. Were you drunk?

No, dad. A couple shots wouldn't get me drunk.

Zachary, you don't need to be drinking especially when you have pain meds.

I haven't been taking them. I'm fine.

No the hell you're not. If you were, you wouldn't have reacted the way you did. Kylie has every right to not want you to drink. Based off what happened last season, you shouldn't even want to touch alcohol. You said you were done with that.

I am! It was just a few shots...

Just a few shots that caused you to fight with your fiancé and throw a bottle of liquor at a wall.

Dad, you're supposed to...

To what? Be on your side? Not on this. What you did was stupid. I'm not going to sit here and tell you otherwise.

I know it was stupid. I don't want to lose Kylie because of it.

You really need to get that temper of yours under control. Where is Kylie now?

On a flight to visit her sister. She said she needed space.

Did you really expect her to put up with the shit you pulled?

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