Rocky Road

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|Bash's POV|

It's been a month or so since we found out Ro was pregnant. I wish her morning sickness was getting better, but it's not. She's up at 5am, every morning like clockwork, throwing up. She's tired, drained. I wanted to push off traveling for work, but she insisted I go. We haven't told anyone about her pregnancy and she doesn't want to. I understand wanting to wait until she gets through the first trimester. She can't hide this forever though.

Rolling over, I felt the bed was empty. I heard the toilet flushing and knew Ro was in the bathroom. Glancing at the clock it was 7am. I got up and went into the bathroom. She didn't bother to close the door. It was deja vu all over again. She was sitting on the floor, crying.


She jumped at the sound of my voice and quickly started to wipe her tears.

"S-sorry if I woke you."

"What's wrong?"

She quickly stood up and went to wash her hands. I blocked her path.


"I hate throwing up every morning. I hate throwing up in general and it's like this baby hates me."

I pulled her into my arms and rubbed her back as she started crying again.

"Hey, the doctor said the first trimester may be rough, but it'll get better."

"Easy for you to say. You're not the one puking every morning."

"If I could take that brunt for you, I would. Tell me anything you need and I'll do it."


"Yes, anything."

"Ice cream sundae for breakfast?"

I laughed.


"You said anything."

"You sure you can stomach that?"

"I wouldn't have asked if I couldn't. I want an ice sundae. Extra whip cream and heat up the chocolate syrup. Oh and strawberries on the side."

"We don't have any of this in the house, babe. You ate the last of the ice cream yesterday. We have strawberries and whip cream downstairs, but I can get you a sundae on my way home from work."

She pouted.

"Fine, can you get me the strawberries and whip cream then?"

"That I can do. I'll be right back."

Going downstairs I got what she asked for. Once I got back to the room, she was back under the covers, scrolling through her phone.

"Here you go babe," I said, setting the strawberries and whip cream down on the nightstand.

"Thanks," she mumbled.

I sat down, rubbing her legs.

"My mom just texted me saying she and my dad are in New York today for meetings. They asked us to go to dinner," she stated.

"Okay, cool."

She shook her head.

"No, not okay cool, Bash. Last time I spoke to my mom I knew she was suspicious and she thinks something is going on between us."

"Well, there isn't."

"I know that. I'm just not ready to tell them I'm pregnant yet."

I sighed. I did not need this to be a repeat of the beginning of our relationship when she waited to tell everyone we were together.

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