Over the Limit

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|Tyler's POV|

After dropping Logan off at school, I met up with Brandon at the gym. Once we finished up, we went our separate ways, I headed home. I didn't hear anything, but knew Izzy was home since her car was still here. I then heard her voice as she made her way downstairs.

"Okay, I'm on my way to pick him up now. Yes, we can still convene with the parent teacher conference at 2pm. Thank you, Ms. Kensington. See you soon."

"What happened?"

"I need to go pick up Logan," she quickly said.

"What happened?" I asked, again.

"He's being sent home early for his behavior. He hasn't been listening since he walked in the door. His teacher said he's been in time out, but now he's getting aggressive and they think it's best he comes home."

"So, he's showing his ass in class, today of all days. Okay."


"Nope. The first time he got sent home early for his behavior, I was at work. You handled that. Now, I'm handling this one. He wants to act up in school, we can put on a show together."

"So, you're coming with me?"

"Hell, yeah. Where's Livy?"

"Oh, your mom came and got her about 30'minutes ago. She and Aunt Stella were taking Livy and Bianca to lunch."

"Alright then, let me go change real quick. It won't take me long."

She nodded and I went and changed into something semi-casual. I drove to the school and we both headed inside. After talking to the secretary, we were directed to Logan's classroom.

His friends were playing in different centers while he was in the corner, alone, reading. I'm sure he didn't notice Izzy and I come in. I saw him glance up and his whole demeanor changed. He knew what was coming. I had texted my dad asking if he could watch Logan while we had this conference. He said it'd be no problem. Times like these I was beyond grateful for my parents being retired.

"Dr. and Mrs. Law, thank you for coming in," Ms. Kensington greeted.

We both shook her hand. I motioned for Logan to come over to me. He didn't hesitate.

"What's going on with you?" I quizzed.

"Nothing," he mumbled.

"That's not true because if it was nothing, mommy and I wouldn't be picking you up from school right now. If there was nothing wrong, you wouldn't be getting sent home right now. You're disrupting your class. That's not fair to everyone else, is it?"

He shrugged.

"Logan, don't play games with me. Is it fair to do that?"


"Ms. Kensington, we'll be back for the parent teacher conference. We apologize for any disruption Logan caused today. We can assure you there won't be any problems for the reminder of the school year. Right, Logan?" Izzy commented.

"Yeah, whatever."

I popped him not caring if his friends saw or not. He wasn't going to stand here and continue to be rude.


I leaned down so only he could hear me.

"This can go one of two ways, you apologize for your behavior or you fight me on this and get a different result. That pop you just got is nothing compared to what my belt will feel like. You're on this ice, Logan. Straighten up!"

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