Smooth Sailing

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|Rory's POV|

I don't know how I got to 22 weeks so quickly, but time sure isn't slowing down.

By the time I found out I was pregnant and the doctor confirmed it, it was almost October and I was already 6 weeks along. As I thought, the baby was definitely conceived during our "makeup" period. I guess that also means I missed my pills more than I thought I did. Then again, I wasn't the most consistent at taking them in the first place. My calendar was off as I hadn't tracked my last cycle. It's really no surprise that I'm pregnant.

A month after we found out is when the rift began between Bash and I. I think back to the conversation I had with my mom. She always had a hunch and I knew once I told her the news, she was going to say, "I knew it." I was 10 weeks at that point. That she didn't know. Another month and a half went by before Bash and I made up. He was there for me as much as he could be, but I sure didn't make it easy.

By the time we made up I had reached 16 weeks and entered my second trimester. We had also decided on an early sex blood test to find out the gender. To our surprise we were shocked to learn we were having twins.

The timing could not be more perfect as it was nearing Christmas. While we usually spent it with my family, Bash told me he had a surprise. I thought that I was just accompanying him on a work trip, but he took me to Paris instead. It was really sweet and romantic and we truly enjoyed ourselves. We also did a lot of baby shopping. Enough to have to check an additional suitcase. We came back right after New Year's and our new reality is setting in.

Bash was going to give up his contract to travel out of the country, but his boss made new arrangements with me being pregnant. The rest of my pregnancy will require him going back and forth, some trips I'll be able to go with him. I was still enjoying working for WWE designing, going to school, and working on my custom clothing. Everything was falling into place, now time to finally tell our family and friends.

First up were my parents. Bash and I decided to drive to Connecticut for the day and take them out to lunch. My mom was still suspicious as ever, especially since we made separate plans for the holidays.

"Babe, you ready?" Bash called out from the living room.

"One sec!"

It's mid-January and freezing here in New York. I decided to wear an oversized sweater and leggings. I double checked my outfit and made sure everything was in place before spraying my perfume and grabbing my phone and purse. I took a quick pic and went to see Bash standing there. He looked up from his phone hearing my footsteps and whistled and smiled. I had a whole new confidence carrying these babies. I felt like I could literally take on the world.

"You look amazing, babe," Bash said, kissing my lips.

"So do you and you smell so good," I said, remaining in his embrace.

"You need anything for the drive over? I already put a pillow and blanket in the car. Oh and your go bag with snacks and your drinks."

"Thank you and no I'm good. Oh wait, I need gum."

He reached in his pocket, pulling out 3 different packs.

"Got you covered."

I laughed. Bash had always been an attentive boyfriend, but this was a different side of him. He was doing his best to make sure I was as comfortable as could be. I was so appreciative.

"Thanks babe. We can go now."

The 2 hour drive wasn't bad at all since we left early enough to beat traffic. I texted my parents when we were about 20 minutes from the restaurant. My mom said they were headed there in a few. Getting to the restaurant, Bash helped me out of the car. Going inside and to the private room my dad booked, I was thankful we got here first. I shouldn't be nervous to tell my parents, but this was life changing news. We were chatting amongst ourselves when I saw my mom and dad enter. They smiled when they saw us and we each got up to give them hugs.

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