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|Izzy's POV|

I headed to Jamie and Brandon's in an attempt to get out of the house and calm down. Brandon answered the door.

"Hey, Izzy."

"Hey, B."

He moved to the side to let me in.

"You good?"

"Hell no. Your Godson and my husband just pissed me off."

"Damn, I know what Logan did, but what did Ty do?"

"He's telling me I need to calm down and not discipline Logan when I'm mad. I'm not going to hurt my own child. I'm fine."

"Hey, he knows you wouldn't hurt Logan. I see both sides. You have every right to be upset at Logan, but yelling at him gets you riled up more and Logan shuts down. So, calming down will get you the answers you want and be more rational with punishing him rather than acting solely off your emotions."

"You sound like Tyler," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Well then, you know he's right. Plus, this is Ty. He's coming from a good place when he said that anyways."

I left him standing there in search of Jamie. I heard her voice coming from the kitchen. She was on the phone and Bianca was in her high chair. Brandon came in right behind me. I kissed my niece, taking a seat at the island. Jamie slid me a glass of wine.

Yeah, she just walked in. I'll let her know. No problem. Bye.

"Your husband said bring your ass home once you've calmed down."

"Yeah, right," I muttered, taking a sip of the wine.

"No, really. Those were his exact words. He's mad you ignored his calls."

"He told me to take a drive and I did."

"Yeah, but you didn't have to ignore him, Izzy. He also said you left without telling him where you were going."

"Where else do I really go?"

She rolled her eyes at me.

"You know what I mean, Izzy."

"Who's side are you on?" I questioned.

"I'm on the side of common sense. I get what Logan did was wrong, but did you try talking to him?"

I sighed.

"I tried and he started talking about Matteo this, Matteo that and I lost it. The more he shared what happened, the more irritated I became. It's like, how much do we have to talk to him to actually see a change in his behavior?"

"How many times did our parents have to talk to us when we were younger?" she countered.

"Point taken."

"Look, you and Ty will sort this shit out like you always do. Take all the time you need to chill out. Just know Ty's gonna be on your ass once you walk in. You know his pet peeve is being ignored," Brandon chimed in.

I sat there talking to them for another half hour before going home. I didn't want to miss dinner with the kids. Going in the house, I checked the living room first. Logan was reading. I guess Livy was with Tyler.

"Hi, sweetie."

He looked up at me.

"Hi, mommy."

I sat my purse down.

"Come here, baby."

He came and sat next to me and I wrapped my arms around him.

"Logan, mommy is sorry for losing her temper and yelling. While I wasn't happy with what happened this afternoon, I shouldn't have reacted in anger. I know I tell you not to do that and I didn't do a good job at controlling mine."

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