part 67

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Tom P.O.V.
I decide to go to the flat and bring Helena with me so she can see it. As we walk through, I show her around as I tell her about my ideas for the layout. As we are talking I ask her, "What do you think?" She stops and looks around and says "It looks great. Plus I love the fact that you guys will be right next door." "Do you think Laura will like it?" I ask. "I think she'll love it." Helena tells me. We then walk by a room where I have closed the door. "What room is this?" Helena asks me. I open the door and show her the room. The walls are painted white with basic window treatments. " I'm thinking about using this as a nursery. " I tell her. She looks down, takes a deep breath and says, "Tom, I hope you can. I just don't want you and Laura getting your hopes up. You'll only end up disappointing yourselves more in the end if things don't work out." She tells me. I know what she is saying is true. My mum told me the same thing earlier in the day when I talked to her. After we finish walking through the house, we head back and notice the kids are sitting down eating and Laura is feeding the twins. Once the kids are done eating, they race to get ready for school. I watch Laura pick up the twins and bring them upstairs. I follow her upstairs and help her get the kids ready for school and daycare. Once the kids are off to school and daycare and Laura and Helena have left for work, I grab the gallons of paint I bought and bring them over to the flat and start to paint the kids' rooms. My hope is to have the kids' rooms as well as the other rooms in the house painted before we move in. I decided to paint the living room a nice grey, a nice neutral color that I know Laura would like. I decided to do the boys' room red and the girls' sky blue. As I paint, I think about how we are going to fill the house as far as furniture goes. As I walk past the room I want to use as a nursery, I suddenly get a perfect idea for the room and how I want to set it up. I realize for the potential nursery I will want help. I call Dan, Rupert, Emma, Jessie, Evanna, James, Oliver and Jason and Helen . I let them in on the plan and they agreed to help. I give Dan, Rupert and James and Oliver the paint to begin to paint the room while the others get started putting furniture together. I had some of the other cast members come over and help paint a mural on the wall of the room. Once we are done and everyone has left, I head to the loo and clean myself up before heading home. Once I get home, I see Laura feeding the twins. I smile to myself, trying to imagine filling the house with kids and maybe a dog too. I let these thoughts continue to wander through my head, planning the perfect home for my family.

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