Part 39

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Tom P.O.V. 

I follow the ambulance to the hospital and watch as the doctors try to frantically work on Laura. I start praying that she will make it. When I can't stand watching any more I walk to the waiting room where Helena meets me a few minutes later. We sit and wait for what feels like an eternity before the doctor comes out and tells us "Its lucky you found her when you did or she would have died. We had to give her a blood transfusion because she lost so much blood." "Will she be okay?" I ask worried about my wife. "She will be but it will take time." the doctor replies. "Can we see her?" Helena asks worry etched in her voice. "Follow me." the doctor says. He leads us to her room and I notice the room number is 394. "How fitting." I think to myself thinking of Alan. I walk in and see her hooked up to a ventilator. She looks so small and frail. I'm afraid to get too close. I sit by her bed and hold her hand in mine.  Helena does the same thing sitting on Laura's other side. The nurse comes in to put more medicine in her IV. We watch the machine breath for her and we continue to pray.

The next day I awaken to see Laura awake in bed talking to Helena. I jolt up scaring the pair. "Why didn't you wake me?" I asked Helena. "We wanted to let you sleep." She answers, Laura nods her head. I get up and kiss my wife. "Don't you ever scare us like that ever again." I say looking Laura dead in the eye. She looks down ashamed. "This is what I'm trying to prevent causing you guys all this pain, you don't deserve this." She says crying. I take her in my arms as best I can being careful of her IV and other wires. "If something is bothering you, we don't care what it is we want you to talk to us." I tell her, stroking her hair. Helena nods her head in agreement. 

Helena P.O.V. 

I follow the ambulance to the hospital hoping I'm not too late. I arrive at the hospital and after parking my car I dash into the building and frantically run to the elevator. It takes an eternity all the while I feel like everything is in slow motion around me. Once it gets off at the floor I need,  I dash off the elevator and into the waiting room where I see Tom.  We sit and wait for what feels like an eternity before the doctor comes out and tells us "Its lucky you found her when you did or she would have died. We had to give her a blood transfusion because she lost so much blood." "Will she be okay?" Tom asks worried about his  wife. "She will be but it will take time." the doctor replies. "Can we see her?" I ask worry etched in my voice for my daughter. "Follow me." the doctor says. He leads us to her room and I notice the room number is 394. "How fitting." I think to myself thinking of Alan. I walk in and see her hooked up to a ventilator. She looks so small and frail. I'm afraid to get too close. I sit by her bed and hold her hand in mine. Tom does the same thing sitting on Laura's other side. The nurse comes in to put more medicine in her IV. We watch the machine breath for her and we continue to pray.

The next day I am startled awake to hear Laura saying "Mum."  I jolt up scaring her. "Mum its okay." she tells me. I throw my arms around my daughter and cry. "I was so afraid I lost you. I don't know what I would have done if anything had happened to you." I then get stern with her and say "What were you thinking? You could have died." she looks away from me ashamed. "That was the point." she says, shocking me. I had no idea she felt like that. "Why?" I ask scared to want to know the answer and shocked at her reply. "I was tired of causing you and Tom all this pain. Its like I told you before, ever since you found me I've done nothing but cause you pain. Tim left you because of me and I've ruined your life." she says crying. I wrap my arms around her as best I can and she cries into my shoulder. "Sweetheart, I've told you before you have done nothing wrong. Tim left because he is a jerk and he doesn't understand how much I care about you and the kids. It's his loss." I then look over at Tom who is sound asleep. "Should we wake him?" I ask Laura. "Let him sleep, I've put him through enough. I'm shocked he hasn't left or wanted to divorce me by now." she says looking ashamed. "Its because he loves you, same as I do." I tell her kissing her head. We the  notice Tom is startled awake by us talking. 

"Why didn't you wake me?" he asks me. "We wanted to let you sleep." I answer, Laura nods her head. He gets up and kisses his wife. "Don't you ever scare us like that ever again." he says looking Laura dead in the eye. She looks down ashamed. "This is what I'm trying to prevent causing you guys all this pain, you don't deserve this." She says crying. He takes her in his arms as best he can being careful of her IV and other wires. "If something is bothering you we don't care what it is we want you to talk to us." he tells her, stroking her hair. I nod my head. 

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