Part 54

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Laura P.O.V. 

A few weeks later I find myself not feeling well. I shrug it off and contribute it to stress and from working too much and from the kids having been sick the previous two weeks. As I walk past the bedroom I hear Tom on the phone.  "Okay thank you." I hear him say hanging up. I then open the bedroom door and  walk in. "Who were you talking to?" I ask. "No one." Tom says.  I don't believe him. "Tom." I say waving my hand in front of his face. "Huh?" he says. "What's the matter?" I ask. "Nothing sorry love just got lost in thought." he says wrapping his arms around my waist. "I wonder what he was thinking about? Would he cheat on you? No, Tom loves you and the kids more then anything he wouldn't do that. Would he?" I think to myself. He then grabs me  and throws me onto the bed. "What has gotten into you?" I ask. "Nothing." he says kissing me lightly. I am squirming underneath him to get out of his grasp to go to the twins who I can hear crying. "You aren't going anywhere." he tells me kissing me again. "Tom I have to go check on the twins." I protest. He begrudgingly crawls off of me kissing me the entire time as I exit the bedroom to go check on the crying twins. As I walk to their bedroom I find myself suddenly nauseous as I run to the loo to vomit up what very little I've eaten in the past few weeks. I feel Tom holding my hair back as mum goes to check on the twins. "Laura are you okay?" Tom asks. "I'm fine." I tell him rinsing my mouth and heading to the twins room where I find mum sitting with them. When I enter the room they look up at me and reach for me. I take them in my arms and take them downstairs to feed them. As I feed them I find myself feeling sick again and end up running to the loo to throw up again, all the while the twins are protesting because they didn't get to finish their bottles. When I reenter the kitchen a short time later I see Mum sitting with the twins feeding them. "Are you sure you are alright Laura?" she asks sounding worried. "I'm fine I just haven't eaten much today." I tell her heading to the fridge to grab myself an apple. "Laura you need to eat. I know you have been really busy with work and the kids but you need to make time to take care of yourself." mum tells me. "I know I do when I have time which I don't have much of." I tell her. I then exit the kitchen and say "I'm going for a walk." I then exit the kitchen and head out the front door. 

Tom P.O.V. 

I've noticed lately Laura hasn't been herself the last few weeks. I know she has been working a lot between the club and filming with Helena and the kids have been sick too. "Maybe she got the bug from the kids." I think to myself. "The only problem with that would be I would have gotten it or Helena would have or the babies would have gotten it." I tell myself. I decide to call the doctor and ask her what her opinion is. I grab my cellphone and dial the doctor's office. "Hello Tom, what can I do for you?" she asks. "I'm worried about Laura she hasn't been herself lately she has been really tired and she just has been really off. I figured if it was the stomach bug that the kids had Helena and I or the babies would have gotten it." I tell the doctor. "Not necessarily Tom. Give it a few more days and see. If it seems like she hasn't improved then call me back and we can figure out options." the doctor says. "Okay thank you." I say hanging up. I then hear the bedroom door open and Laura walks in. "Who were you talking to?" she asks. "No one." I say I don't want to tell Laura I talked to the doctor and that I am worried. "Tom." Laura says waving her hand in front of my face. "Huh?" I say. "What's the matter?" she asks. "Nothing sorry love just got lost in thought." I say wrapping my arms around her waist. I then grab her and throw her onto the bed. "What has gotten into you?" she asks. "Nothing." I say kissing her lightly. I can feel her squirming underneath me to get out of my grasp. "You aren't going anywhere." I tell her kissing her again. "Tom I have to go check on the twins." she protests.  I begrudgingly crawl off of her kissing her the entire time as she exits the bedroom to go check on the crying twins.  I can hear her vomit up what very little she's eaten in the past few weeks. I go into the loo and hold her hair back as Helena goes to check on the twins. "Laura are you okay?" I ask. "I'm fine." she tells me rinsing her mouth and heading to the twins room where we find Helena sitting with them. I exit the bedroom and decide to call the doctor again. She picks up on the first ring "Hello Tom what can I do for you?" she asks. "Laura still seems like she isn't herself only now she is barely eating and is getting sick." I tell her. "Maybe she just got the bug the kids had. Honestly Tom I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just let it run its course." she tells me. "Okay thank you." I tell her hanging up. I don't know why but what the doctor told me isn't making me feel any better. I decide to take the doctor at her word and see what happens. 

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