Part 47

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Tom P.O.V. 

Today I'm going to tell Laura I know what's going on. When I get home from work I'm going to make her a nice dinner. Her favorite fettuccine alfredo with grilled chicken and broccoli, then after dinner I'm going to give her the gift and tell her I know. I really hope she won't be mad. I'd hate to upset her. I try to focus on my work but I'm too distracted by what I'm thinking about tonight. After work I arrive home where I am greeted by the kids and Laura. She had the day off from filming today. I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her and say "I have a surprise for you tonight. Be dressed and ready for dinner in an hour." I tell her as she sinks into my chest. "Do I have to?" she asks looking at me with the puppy face and batting her eyelashes at me. I can feel myself going weak in the knees. "Yes you do." I say, kissing her again, before picking up Sylar who has been tugging at my pant leg on one side while the twins do it on the other. I pick the kids up and walk over to the couch and put them in my lap. They cuddle into my side and I notice them starting to nod off. I notice Laura watching. "Why don't you go get ready for dinner and I'll keep an eye on them." I say smirking at Laura. I notice her blush as she walks upstairs to get ready for dinner. I put the kids in the pack n play and go into the kitchen to start dinner. As I am cooking I hear the shower running upstairs. I take a break from cooking and notice that the kids are asleep in the pack n play. Brieanna and Dylan went with Helena to her mum's house for dinner so Laura and I have the house to ourselves. I walk upstairs and hear Laura getting out of the shower. She exits the loo in nothing but a towel and I have to stop myself from wanting to pounce. She notices me standing in the room and smiles. I then hear sylar starting to cry. I walk over to Laura and kiss her and say "later." While wiggling my eyebrows at her before exiting the room. I head down to the living room and pick Sylar up out of the pack n play. "You want to help me make dinner for mum?" I ask him. He smiles at me in return which I take as a yes. I leave the twins to sleep and walk into the kitchen holding Sylar. While balancing him on my hip I continue to cook dinner. I hear Laura walk down the stairs and into the living room to check on the twins. She then enters the kitchen. I turn around with Sylar on my hip and have to stop myself for a minute as I take in the beautiful sight in front of me. "Do you need help with dinner?" Laura asks snapping me out of my trance. "No, I'm all set. Thank you love." I say quickly kissing her before going back to cooking. I watch out of the corner of my eye as Laura takes out plates and utensils and sets the table. She then takes sylar and walks into the living room where the twins are starting to stir. I can hear her talking to the kids as she walks back into the kitchen to make them their bottles. I look over and admire my wife as I take in her appearance. She is so beautiful and I love everything about her. I continue cooking as Laura feeds the kids their bottles. She enters the kitchen after feeding the kids and changing their nappies and puts the bottles in the sink and I can feel her wrap her arms around my waist. I hear her sigh into me and I have to stop myself from turning around and attacking her. I finish cooking and put the food on the table and we sit down to eat. As we eat I watch Laura pick at her food. I take a deep breath and say "Laura can we talk." Laura looks up at me and I can tell she is nervous. "What's wrong?" She asks looking worried. "Nothing's wrong, I just wanted to make sure you were okay, you just seem like you haven't been yourself." I say taking her hand in mine. "I'm fine I just have a lot on my mind." She says looking at me. I look at her lovingly and say "I have something for you." Laura looks at me puzzled as I get up and retrieve the gift bag checking on the kids on my way back into the kitchen. I sit down and hand her the bag. She looks in the bag and I watch her as she pulls out the baby clothes. I then notice her start to cry. I get up and walk over to her and wrap my arms around her. "Laura what's wrong?" I ask afraid I've upset her. "I didn't want to tell you the doctor said with my history of losing the pregnancy I didn't want to get your hopes up and then disappoint you again." She says crying. I had no idea Laura felt that guilty I wish I had known she felt that way so we could have talked about it. I wrap her in my arms and let her cry.

Laura P.O.V.

  Today I have the day off from work so I can stay home with the kids. I really haven't been feeling well and I've been really considering telling Tom about the baby. I know I can't hide it from him much longer. Later that night I am at home with Sylar and the twins since I had the day off from work. Mum took Brieanna and Dylan to her mum's for dinner tonight so Tom and I are alone in the house. Tom arrives home from work and the kids and I meet him at the front door and he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me and says "I have a surprise for you tonight. Be dressed and ready for dinner in an hour." he tells me as I sink into his chest. "Do I have to?" I ask looking at him with the puppy face and batting my eyelashes at him. I can tell he is going weak in the knees. "Yes you do." he says, kissing me again, before picking up Sylar who has been tugging at his pant leg on one side while the twins do it on the other. he picks the kids up and walks over to the couch and put them in his lap. They cuddle into his side and he notices them starting to nod off. I stand in the doorway watching "Why don't you go get ready for dinner and I'll keep an eye on them." Tom says smirking at me. I feel myself blushing as i walk upstairs to get ready for dinner. I get undressed and get into the shower. When I exit the loo in nothing but a towel I notice Tom standing in the bedroom and I smile at him. I then hear Sylar starting to cry. Tom walks over to me and kisses me and says "later." While wiggling his eyebrows at me before exiting the room. I grab a cute black dress out of my closet and change before heading downstairs.  I then head into the living room to check on the twins. I then enter the kitchen. Tom turns around with Sylar on his hip and  stops dead in his tracks and stares at me. "Do you need help with dinner?" I ask snapping him out of his trance. "No I'm all set. Thank you love." Tom says quickly kissing me before going back to cooking. I  take out plates and utensils and set the table. I then take Sylar and walk into the living room where the twins are starting to stir. I then talk to the kids as I walk back into the kitchen to make them their bottles and then feed the kids. I enter the kitchen after feeding the kids and changing their nappies and put the bottles in the sink and I  wrap my arms around Tom's waist and I  sigh into him.   Tom finishes cooking and puts the food on the table and we sit down to eat. As we eat I can feel Tom watching me  as I pick at my food. Tom takes a deep breath and says "Laura can we talk." I look up at him nervous. "What's wrong?" I ask worried. "Nothing's wrong I just wanted to make sure you were okay you just seem like you haven't been yourself." Tom says taking my hand in his. "I'm fine I just have a lot on my mind." I say looking at him. I look at him lovingly and he says "I have something for you." I look at him puzzled as he gets up and leaves the kitchen momentarily. He then returns  holding a gift bag.  Tom sits down and hands me the bag. I look in the bag and I can feel him watching me as I pull out  baby clothes. I realize right away he knows about  the baby and I feel myself starting to cry.  I can hear Tom get up and walk over to me and I can feel him wrap his arms around me. "Laura what's wrong?" he asks afraid he's upset me. "I didn't want to tell you the doctor said with my history of losing the pregnancy I didn't want to get your hopes up and then disappoint you again." I say crying. Tom wraps me in his arms and lets me cry.  

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