Chapter 60 An accident

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In autumn, the autumn wind is cold.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, that guy Wei Hu was almost running out of moon cakes. Apart from Wei Cheng leaving him a few boxes, he also took out a month's wages to buy moon cakes. He likes barbecued pork and egg yolk moon cakes the most. When others eat moon cakes, they drink tea, and when he eats moon cakes, they drink wine.

Wei Huchu shouted in front of Wei Cheng that Wei Cheng would continue to make moon cakes.

A tall, rough man likes to eat moon cakes and pastries.

What expression should Wei Cheng use to say goodbye to him.

Wei Cheng didn't want to deal with this stuff.

Wei Hu shouted loudly: "I didn't finish it alone, I drank and ate moon cakes, and Master Lei also drank and ate moon cakes. He ate my moon cakes and took away two boxes of me. He also chose egg yolk moon cakes and sweet-scented osmanthus moon cakes. , Osmanthus mooncakes are the ones that my brother and girls like to eat. Master Lei takes them as soon as they are taken. The egg yolk mooncakes are still more than half of the cakes, and I am not allowed to tell them after I finish them

. Osmanthus moon cake mother chirps, when you don't have moon cakes, you are still eating cakes, why don't you say your mother chirps.

However -

Wei Cheng pondered, Wei Lei must have met someone on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Wei Lei doesn't like to eat moon cakes and pastries very much. Instead, he often drinks with Wei Hu and the others and eats moon cakes when he drinks, which is abnormal.

Zhou Yuan smiled: "Wei Lei doesn't let you say it, you still say it!"

Wei Hu retorted confidently: "Master Lei said that you can't tell others, the master and the lord are the masters, who are others."

This logic fits Wei quite well. Tiger style.

I don't know that Wei Lei's bottom was lifted by Wei Hu, a stupid big guy, and he didn't know if his indifferent expression would be colorful.

"Leizi asked you to take the moon cakes to eat yourself?" Wei Cheng asked.

"No, it seems that I want to send someone to apologize."

Wei Cheng and Zhou Yuan looked at each other. There was a problem, Wei Cheng continued to ask: "Then what?"

Wei Hu stared: "No, my moon cake is gone. !"

Wei Cheng: "......"

He shouldn't expect this guy to find out any news.

Zhou Yuan chuckled.

Wei Cheng waved his hand: "Okay, I understand, you go out first."

"Thank you, master." Wei Hu was delighted, and looked forward to asking: "When will there be moon cakes?"

Wei Cheng: "... "When did he promise to make moon cakes for this product? !

If you say he is stupid, he will beat the snake with a stick. If you say he is not stupid, his brain is not on the same line as you.

Zhou Yuan laughed beside him.

Wei Cheng was pissed off. Forget it, it wasn't a big deal. Not only was Wei Hu clamoring to eat, but the customers who had bought it before turned around and asked if they would continue to do it.

"If you want to eat, go buy duck eggs."

"This task is definitely done!"

After Wei Hu went out, Zhou Yuancai asked: "The Mid-Autumn Festival is over, can you still sell moon cakes?"

Wei Cheng looked at his daughter-in-law and smiled: " We don't sell moon cakes, we sell egg yolk cakes, which are different from moon cakes. We also sell sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, if you like them. However, we still have to sell them in limited quantities."

"I don't want to eat them that much." Zhou Yuan retorted softly.

Wei Cheng smiled and said in a low voice, "Well, what I want to eat is Wei Hu, not my Yuan Yuan."

Zhou Yuan laughed again, and after a while, he asked, "Husband, do you think Wei Lei met on the Mid-Autumn Festival? Got a girl or a brother?"

Wei Cheng shook his head, indicating that he didn't know either, and then said, "Wei Hu is such a rude mouth, he will definitely shake out the Leizi affair if he is too happy."

Don't expect Wei Hu Keep these "irrelevant" things a secret!

Wei Cheng guessed right.

In autumn, the sun sets early, the workshop closes early, and the workers go back, leaving only the long-term workers living in the grocery store and the Wei Cheng family.

Xianmanju invited the shopkeeper, and the business stabilized. Wei Lei stayed at the grocery store for a long time. After dinner, he and Wei Hu, Wei Yuan, Wei Yi and the others were drinking at the grocery store.

Wei Cheng agreed to make moon cakes, Wei Hu was happy, he drank too much when he was happy, and told him how he bargained with his master, and said everything he said to his master.

He still has the ability to praise himself for being clever and bargaining, and the master agreed to continue making moon cakes. He didn't need to eat moon cakes in his hand, and he wouldn't be sad about the moon cakes for Lord Lei.

Wei Lei: "..." The originally expressionless face became even more expressionless.

Everyone who heard it held back their laughter, and only Wei Yuanle laughed.

The next day, I went back to the grocery store, and went to the living room to find Wei Cheng, who was working in the office. Wei Lei was also there. Wei Cheng and he were discussing the arrangement of the next workshop. Wei Yuan told Wei Cheng what happened yesterday on the spot. Wei Lei couldn't stop it, everyone knew it anyway, so he didn't say a word.

Zhou Yuan stopped looking at the ledger, and after listening to it, he thought, Husband is really predictable.

Wei Cheng looked at Wei Lei jokingly, Wei Lei felt that he couldn't hide it, and told what happened that night.

"...I met a brother and knocked off that brother's lantern. I bought a lantern to apologize, I don't know the meaning of the lantern... I feel sorry for Wei Hu, who has moon cakes in his hand, you all Said that my brother and girl liked to eat, so I asked Wei Hu to ask for it. I went to the inner city a few times, but I didn't see anyone... You all know about other things!"

Wei Cheng asked: "The moon cake is for that brother. Apologize?"

"Yeah!" Wei Lei nodded with a sullen face, "No one was found."

If no one was found, that's for sure. The Dajing Dynasty developed folk customs and didn't restrain the girl from going out, but it was impossible for the girl to go out every day. street.

It is even more impossible for a girl with a strict tutor and a wealthy doorman to go out at will, and it is difficult to find someone.

Wei Cheng looked at Wei Lei's expression, and it seemed that there was enlightenment, but he didn't notice it himself.

He didn't remind him, and some things were left as they were. After all, the brother was not found!


Autumn in the middle of the night, cold and silent.

In the suburban Wei's house, a glass lamp hangs in the yard, and the light illuminates the dark night slightly.

Papa Papa -

There was a hurried knock on the door outside.

The candle in the servant's room in the front yard was lit, and Wei Hu's figure had reached the door of the yard. The martial arts practitioner was the first to notice someone approaching the yard. He didn't hesitate to open the door. whose voice is it.

It was Zhou Qiu and her eldest brother Zhou Yongtao. The two brothers and sisters looked anxious, and they were still sweating on their foreheads in the cold autumn night, which showed how anxious they were.

Zhou Qiu looked at Wei Hu and said eagerly, "Quick, find Wei Cheng and save people—"

Zhou Qiu pointed to the ox cart behind him, Wei Hu immediately went to investigate, and let Wei who came later go into the backyard to find his master.

At night, the backyard is quiet, and the people in the house sleep fragrant.

A knock on the door woke the sleeping person. Wei Cheng's eyes widened and his eyes narrowed, then he got up, and the sleeping person who had just got out of bed was awakened.

Zhou Yuan sat up on him and asked anxiously, "Husband, what's the matter?!"

Wei Cheng turned around and leaned over to comfort him, "Wei Jin called me, it's alright, I'll go out first, then you go to sleep." After speaking, he turned to open the door .

Wei Jin knocked in a hurry. He should knock on the door in the middle of the night because of something important. Wei Cheng walked out of the room without delay.

Zhou Yuan didn't fall asleep with his arms around the quilt, and pricked up his ears to listen to what was said outside.

"Master, Miss Zhou Qiu and his eldest brother came here, it seems that someone was injured."

"Wei Hu is in the front yard, I'm here to report, I disturbed the master and the master, please punish the master."

Wei Cheng stopped and said solemnly: "I'll go. Take a look."

"Husband—, what's wrong with Xiaoqiu?" Zhou Yuan walked out in his coat.

When Wei Cheng saw people come out, he must have heard what he and Wei Jin said, and he would definitely not want to go back to the room.

The night was cold and cold, so I stretched out my hand to help people put on their coats, so as to avoid the cold wind reaching people at night, and then I took people's hands to the front yard.

In the front yard, the ox cart is pulled directly into the yard.

Wei Cheng and Zhou Yuan went over and saw Zhou Qiu who was constantly comforting Zhou Muzi, Zhou Muzi's eyes were swollen from crying, and the man was sitting on the ox cart with a flustered look on his face, and the ox cart was filled with quilts and quilts. man lying on it.

It was Li Hu who was in a coma.

Seeing his master, Wei Hu took a step forward and said solemnly: "The injury is very serious, the fever is still high, the wound is seriously inflamed, it is very bad, and I urgently need to go to the city to seek a doctor. The situation is deteriorating, and I may not be able to save my life until dawn.

" Inside, the gates of Nanshan County were closed, and it was difficult to enter the city at night, but it was not difficult to get out of the city.

Everyone present knew it, and their expressions were even more solemn.

Zhou Yuan had already come to Zhou Muzi to comfort him. Hearing Wei Hu's words, Zhou Muzi was afraid that his body would tremble and his face turned paler. It was Zhou Yuan and Zhou Qiu who clasped his hand to support him, giving him the courage to not let him go weak.

Wei Cheng looked solemn and asked in a deep voice: "Wei Hu, you have a way to enter the city and bring the doctor out!"

Wei Hu nodded, he could enter and leave the city, the problem was: "Master, this subordinate doesn't know the doctor!"

". ......"

If it weren't for the wrong timing, Wei Cheng didn't even get angry. After thinking about it, he instructed in a deep voice, "Go to Doctor Ge, who is treating Uncle Mao, and invite him to go." He could only run. Inner city.

He knows this doctor.

Wei Hu nodded, turned to leave, and quickly disappeared into the dark night.

Wei Cheng asked people to find a wooden board and carried him to the guest room. After Li Hu was settled, he could only wait for the doctor to come.

Zhou Muzi refused to leave Li Hu who was in a coma, and Zhou Qiu, who knew it, was explaining to Wei Cheng and Zhou Yuan.

It turned out that Zhou Muzi's husband, Li Hu, did not go to work, but secretly went up to the mountains to hunt with the village hunters.

Hunting is dangerous, and he can make a lot of money by hunting wild things. Li Hu wanted to make money in this way, so he secretly went hunting. Zhou Muzi only found out after the incident was brought back.

Li Hu was injured in order to save a half-heavy little man. He pushed the opponent away and faced the danger directly. He was scratched by a wild beast. In order to survive, he jumped off a low cliff and broke his leg.

Li Hu was carried back, with injuries on his body, a broken leg and bleeding from stones. The barefoot doctor in the village used mountain herbs, and he would look at the spirit.

It was the first time that Zhou Muzi encountered such a thing, and he was very flustered. Apart from taking care of Li Hu, he didn't know what to do.

Because of Li Hu's injury, it is best to go to the county seat to see the doctor. It will cost silver taels to go to the county seat. The Li family asked the barefoot doctor if he could not go, and bothered the barefoot doctor to observe for two days. go.

The next day, he seemed to be fine, until in the afternoon, Li Hu had a fever, and the barefoot doctor came and said that he should send the person to the county to see the doctor immediately. The wound was inflamed, and he had no choice.

The Li family secretly asked the barefoot doctor how much silver taels it would cost to visit the doctor in the county town. The barefoot doctor did not know what he said. The Li family did not agree with Li Hu going to the county town to see the doctor. doctor.

It was only at night that Li Hu was in a coma and had a high fever. The Li family was afraid, and complained about each other and missed words. Only then did Zhou Muzi know that they would not let Li Hu go to the county town to see the doctor for the sake of Yin Liang.

"It was Muzi who came to me from the lower village to the upper village by himself. The road was dark and I couldn't see the road. I don't know how many times he fell. When I saw him, he was all wounded and his clothes were stained with dirt." Zhou Qiu said angrily: " Muzi is alone, and no one from the Li family accompanies him."

"My eldest brother and I went to borrow an ox cart to help Muzi bring Li Hu to the county seat. When the county gate is closed, we will come to you." Zhou Qiu's eyes were red. "Muzi was afraid that his face would turn pale, and Li Hu's body was hot and unconscious. He didn't respond to any calls. If something happened to Li Hu, what should Muzi do?" After speaking, Zhou Qiu choked with sadness.

He didn't even know that this kind of thing happened to his friend Muzi, Zhou Yuan's eyes were red, "Xiaoqiu, why didn't you tell me that Li Hu was injured."

"It's my fault. Muzi said that the doctor in the village said that Li Hu was fine, so he wouldn't let me say it. I should tell you, at least let you know." Zhou Qiu choked up, looked up at Zhou Yuan, and asked hopefully, "Yuan Yuan , Do you think Li Hu will be alright?"

Zhou Qiu, a girl, must be scared when he sees Li Hu in a coma. He just hurried to find someone, and he didn't even care about being scared, but now he is scared.

Zhou Yuan also didn't know how to answer.

Having a high fever and falling into a coma is very serious and can lead to death.

Li Hu is Muzi's life, if something really happened, Muzi would definitely -

Zhou Yuan could only look at the husband beside him, the only thing he could rely on was his husband.


Wei Cheng took the man into his chest with one hand, and patted him on the back with the other to reassure him, "It will be fine, Doctor Ge is skilled in medicine, and he was the one who rescued Uncle Mao from such a serious injury. , don't be sad."

"Well." Zhou Yuan can only hope that Doctor Ge can heal Li Hu, and Muzi will not have an accident.

Wei Hu brought Dr. Ge with him. When he left the city, the official guarding the city gate recognized Wei Hu, and he sent people out of the city without checking, saving a lot of time.

Doctor Ge is familiar with Wei Cheng, and he often goes to Xianmanju. On the way, he heard Wei Hu talk about the patient's condition. Wei Hu is a muscle, but he is very reliable in his work, and he was born as an escort. You know, he will be treated for any serious injury.

As soon as Doctor Ge came, he went to see the patient without saying a word.

Wei Hu reported the situation when he was out of the city, and the official recognized it and let him go directly.

Wei Cheng instructed in a deep voice: "Tomorrow, please invite the official to come to Xianmanju."


in the guest room.

Dr. Ge chased everyone out, leaving Wei Hu by his side to help, and someone would send him in if he needed a shout.

Zhou Muzi refused to go out, but Doctor Ge said, "People can't die. If you don't go out, you won't be sure if you delay."

Zhou Muzi stumbled out after hearing Doctor Ge's words.

Pots of hot water were brought in, blood water was brought out, Li Hu was suffering in the room, and the people outside were anxious and worried—

Dr. Ge came out of the room after half an hour.

Dr. Ge looked tired: "Cut off the pus-filled flesh. Fortunately, you asked for it in time. If you can save it later, your legs will be abolished, and even your life will be lost."

So serious!

Zhou Muzi collapsed and could not stand still, but it was Zhou Yuan and Zhou Qiu who supported him to stand firm.

Wei Cheng asked in a deep voice, "Doctor Ge, isn't Li Hu the worst injury? There are fractures and scratches on his legs."

Dr. Ge was also quick-tempered, so he directly scolded, "You know the shit, it's the patient's leg injury. Deadly, they are all toxins." He must have said bluntly, "Is it injured in the mountains, the leg injury is scabbed, and the inside is inflamed and pus. The wound on the body was bandaged by the barefoot doctor with mountain herbs, at most let him eat some Suffering."

Zhou Muzi asked in a trembling voice, "That, that..." He couldn't ask, he was afraid to hear the answer.

"It's alright, next time you have to cultivate well, you will be alive and well."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Zhou Muzi cried with joy.

Wei Cheng cupped his hands and said, "Please take a trip to Doctor Ge, Wei Cheng is very grateful."

Doctor Ge stopped, "It's alright, you're so familiar, so don't talk nonsense, old man, I'm tired, I need to rest."

Wei Cheng asked his servants to take Doctor Ge to rest.

Before taking a break, Doctor Ge also said, "Thank you, send me a few more boxes of egg yolk lotus paste. Oh, and don't forget to pay for the medical bills."

Wei Cheng: "..."

Wei Hu still met with a face Confidant, "This old man is quite knowledgeable!"

Wei Cheng: "..." The

serious atmosphere disappeared in an instant!

Zhou Muzi knew that Li Hu was not in danger, so he ran in to take care of him, accompanied by Zhou Qiu and Zhou Yuan.

The master didn't go to bed, and the Wei family's servants were all standing by.

After tossing all night, people are also tired.

Wei Cheng had to coax his daughter-in-law back to the room to sleep, and asked his servants to arrange a guest room for Zhou Qiu and Zhou Yongtao, so he took his daughter-in-law back to the bedroom to rest.

Zhou Muzi wanted to accompany people in life and death, and refused to go to sleep, so everyone could only let him.

Zhou Qiu and Zhou Yuan both thought about Zhou Muzi, and woke up within two hours of sleep. Wei Cheng saw that his daughter-in-law was not sleeping, so he had to accompany him. Seeing her haggard expression, Wei Cheng was about to scold the Li family.

The servants in the family have to get up and get busy at the time, and I didn't sleep much last night, so I looked tired.

Wei Cheng instructed Aunt Mao to arrange for the servants to take turns to rest. Zhou Yongtao was going to work in the workshop, and Wei Cheng directly gave him a half-day leave.

Zhou Yuan and Zhou Qiu stayed with Zhou Muzi until noon, when they were tired and fell asleep.

Doctor Ge slept until noon before waking up. He saw Li Hu's injury and told the patient what to pay attention to. After lunch, Wei Hu sent the person back to the county seat.

The daughter-in-law was sleeping, and Wei Cheng didn't go to take a nap. The doctor said that people should wake up soon, and Wei Cheng was waiting for someone to wake up.

Li Hu woke up and found that he was not at home. His husband was sleeping on the couch in the room. The stinging wound made him remember that he seemed to have a fever, and then he didn't remember.

Against the light, Wei Cheng paced up to Li Hu's bed with his tall body. Li Hu didn't know Wei Cheng. He struggled to get up, but Wei Cheng stopped him and said, "I'm Zhou Yuan's husband.

" Lie down.

It turned out that the imposing man in front of him was Zhou Yuan's husband, so this should be Zhou Yuan's home, how could he be here?

Wei Cheng told Li Hu what happened in the middle of the night last night and his injury. After speaking, he said, "You have a serious injury on your leg. You will need to recuperate for at least two months." He scraped off a large piece of flesh.

Li Hu looked at the husband who was sleeping on the couch not far away, frowning and looking haggard, he was very distressed.

Wei Cheng asked, "What's your plan next?"

Li Hu was silent, and he already had a plan in his eyes.

Wei Cheng looked at the person, the other person's expression was planning, but his eyes were not firm, and there was a sense of decision.

Wei Cheng didn't want to take care of it at first. His wife and Zhou Muzi had a good relationship, and her daughter-in-law was troubled by Zhou Muzi's affairs. He didn't want it to continue like this.

Wei Cheng said: "You know, your husband took your life back for you at night, risking danger for you, and the Li family doesn't take care of it. You should know how dangerous the village is at night, the wild beasts in the mountains will come down at any time, and the grass and venomous snakes will appear. A gangster in the village, one of his brothers made you covered with marks of falls, so he went to someone to ask for help. The Li family is your family, you can be a dutiful son, but you should think more about your husband. If He had an accident at night because of you, can you bear the consequences?"

Li Hu's pupils clenched, and his fists tried to clench, but he didn't have the slightest strength.

Wei Cheng pryed at the person's head: "Take care of your injury. Yuan Yuan and Muzi mentioned before that you should come to my workshop to work. You can come over at any time to solve family problems.

"Thank you! Li Hu's voice was hoarse, and he thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

Wei Cheng went back to his bedroom satisfied and saw his sleeping daughter-in-law, took off his shirt, lay down and stretched his arms into his arms, taking a nap with his daughter-in-law.

Li Hu was in Wei The Cheng family cultivated for two days. When Dr. Ge said that he could go home to cultivate, he was transported back with an ox cart.

Li Hu refused the carriage to prevent the family from becoming more anxious.

After returning home, when Li Hu could get out of bed, he proposed to separate the family. The Li family refused at first, but when Li Hu took out the IOU he wrote down for the hospital, which was eight taels of silver, the Li family was black

. Well, what kind of workshop is there? See why he didn't help with the doctor's money. "I

still want to rely on: "No money!" "

Li Hu knew that his mother thought so, so he refused Wei Cheng to help him pay for his medical bills.

Li Hu still needs two months to recover from his injuries, and he still owes the medical center for medical expenses. The family is unwilling to pay the money. His younger brother Li Zhi and his sister-in-law are even more unwilling. They have a share of the family money. Li Hu paid medical bills, but nothing.

I don't even think that Li Hu earned all the money at home.

Not wanting to give the money to the eldest brother, Li Zhi persuaded his parents and finally separated.

The old mud house that was distributed to Li Huer and the ruins was not far from Zhou Muzi's house. The family had no share of the land. The pension money was 200 yuan per month, and if he wanted the land, it would cost 500 yuan.

Li Hu didn't want the land. After the family split, he left the Li family with the things in the house and Zhou Muzi.

Arriving at the new home, the dilapidated mud house was crumbling and impoverished.

Zhou Yuan's family, Zhou Qiu's family, Zhou Muzi's family, as well as his good friends with Li Hu, the family of the half-hearted man who was rescued, all brought a lot of food and helped to organize them. Not helping anyone.

Li Hu and Zhou Muzi thanked and looked at the well-organized and popular home.

Even if it is so dilapidated that it can collapse in a storm, both of them are very warm in their hearts.

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