Chapter 14 : Doctor

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How to cheer up a person who is sad and unable to eat?

——Just spend more time with him and let the other party vent.

——It depends on what the cause of the sadness is.

——Same as above, it also depends on your position in the heart of the other party.

yangyang : Sad because of his parents, I am his partner.

----"he"? male?

Have you had a fight with your parents? This is quite normal. Anyone who has not had any friction with his parents since he was a child can just think about it.

——As a husband, you don't even know how to coax you to ask netizens?

—---Don’t make false question, right?

——Although I don’t know if it’s true or not, but as a partner, it’s good to give him enough support. If you’re sad, kiss and hug him more, take him out to play and relax, and spend more time with him.

——Both sides open and untie, how much conflict can there be with parents?

——If you really can’t eat, cook more of his favorite food and feed him.


Xie BieTing turned off the phone, a quarter of an hour had passed since he came out.

He gently pushed open the crack of the door, Mu Yang was still sitting at the table, picking up the food with his chopsticks, he turned his head slowly when he heard the movement, and looked at Xie BieTing quietly with his round and long eyes.

Mu Yang looked normal, with slightly red eyes at the end of his beautiful and flamboyant face, and his eyes were less hopeless than before.

He asked, "What's wrong?"

Xie BieTing did not speak.

From his career as an actor to the present, he has played countless complex roles, and he can quickly understand the state of the characters between the lines in the script, but it is difficult to perceive the warmth and warmth of the people around him.

When Xie Zhiyu was still alive, he said countless times that it was not good for him, that it was wrong, that it was not normal.

But just like a mentally ill person doesn't think he's sick, Xie BieTing doesn't think there's anything wrong with it.

Unable to perceive all kinds of tastes in the world, Xie BieTing's own emotions are naturally extremely dull.

He didn't know whether it was luck or misfortune, but the first heavy feeling he felt was his mother's death. He stood in front of his mother's grave, listening to others' crying, and stood quietly, becoming a ruthless and unfilial son in the eyes of others.

And the second deep feeling was Mu Yang's death, and after that, the heart that was stirred like a blunt knife never calmed down.

This is the first time that Xie BieTing clearly realized that Mu Yang was sad, which was a hundred times, ten thousand times more sad than those scripts he had read.

"It wasn't your fault—"

Xie BieTing stood at the door, speaking slowly, as if organizing his words extremely carefully: "Mu Yang, you don't have to feel sorry for other people's mistakes."

Mu Yang was slightly stunned, and after being swept away by the storm, his desolate heart realized belatedly that Xie BieTing was comforting him.

After a long time, he lowered his head: "I'm full."

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