Chapter 26 : Hello

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Mu Nanshan and Yao Yuan would have been kept in the dark for the rest of their lives.

There was no paternity test, and there was no blood transfusion incident that found that the blood types did not match... Only the conscience of a dying person forced her to tell the truth.

That was Lu Wan's colleague in the hospital back then, and one of the staff who helped Yao Yuan deliver the baby. She received Lu Wan's 10,000 yuan and became Lu Wan's accomplice.

The 10,000 yuan from more than 20 years ago is naturally not a small amount. It was the money that Lu Wan used all means to raise her husband's medical treatment, but she didn't expect her husband to die so quickly.

Mu Yang's biological father is Qiao Jianzhen, and he and his wife Lu Wan both work in the capital. Qiao Jianzhen is a worker with no family background.

After they found out she were pregnant, they were planning to go back to their hometown to deliver the baby, but Qiao Jianzhen was suddenly diagnosed with lung cancer, which was at an advanced stage.

The two were forced to stay in the capital, exhausted all their savings and owed a large amount of foreign debts, but failed to cure the mortal cancer.

Lu Wan and Yao Yuan were in the same ward expecting to give birth, but they were treated completely differently. She looked at Yao Yuan who was being cared for wholeheartedly, and at the extremely gentle husband who took care of her. While feeling that the fate was unfair, she also had a crooked mind.

She is a woman, how can she bring up a child by herself?

That is the heir of Qiao Jianzhen, the last incense of the Qiao family.

She didn't want her son to be like his father, who lived in poverty since he was a child, and would be unable to hold his head under the pressure of life when he grew up.

She can't give her son a good education, a good childhood, and a good future...

Lu Wan was cruel, and planned a plan to drop the plan with her colleagues who were still working at the time.

In those days, there were inevitable loopholes in management, and they managed to hide it from everyone. Lu Wan and Yao Yuan were even discharged from the hospital on the same day.

Looking at the strange baby girl in the swaddle, Lu Wan originally planned to sell her, but she was moved with compassion the moment the baby cried.

The little bit of conscience left allowed her to keep this baby. She changed all the bad habits in the past and started to earn money desperately. She wanted to take good care of this child as much as possible, so she should accumulate blessings for her son.

The colleague who was an accomplice got a serious illness and was about to die. She has been suffering for so many years, and even felt that the illness was the retribution of that incident.

Before leaving, she wrote such a letter by hand, telling the truth one by one, and mailed it to the address on Yao Yuan's ID card.

She didn't know if Yao Yuan could still live there, but she just sent it out with the idea of ​​making her conscience feel better——

It is true that Yao Yuan does not live there anymore. It is her parents who received this letter, and they are also Mu Yang's grandparents. The two old people are almost eighty years old. After reading this letter, the grandmother went to the hospital, collapsed on the spot.

Contrary to what Mu Yang thought, Lu Wan's home address was written on the letter.

Mu Nanshan and Yao Yuan already knew where they were, but they were afraid that Mu Yang would not be able to accept it, so they kept hiding it from him.

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