Chapter 32

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"Fine....but when did you start talking to me?"

"Oh Astha. I can't always be with Leila alone. I must make new friends and I see you are a good one."

"That's correct but what do you want."

"Is Leila with you?"

That silenced her.
Of course she just could not tell her that she, Lucy,Leila and her sister together with two handsome looking men are going far from home in search of Leila's mother.

That,will be hard to believe depending on how she was taken.

"Nope."She replied."But yes. She's here and she's really busy."

"How busy?"


"Please give the phone to her sister for me. I need to personally talk to her since you are not doing great at telling me the exact location of Leila."

"And you think she will talk to you?"

"Of course."

She laughed at her response.

Astha roamed around and found her sitting on a bench.
She looked really angry and staring at her will tell she's not in the physical realm.

"Um Kayla."She went to her and brought her back to the present."Janette wants to talk to you."

That made her frown even more."And what does she want?"

With that,she took the phone and waited.

"Kayla. Long time no see."

"Stop beating around the bush and tell me what the heck you want."

"Chill. I'm only asking for Leila's location."

"Ooh. She's far from home and she will not be coming. It's a pity she did not tell you."

"She's not in Africa. is she?"

"Good thinking."She replied."You have to use your intelligence to find her."

"You wait and watch Kayla. When I find her you will be sorry."

"Ooh. I'm scared."She replied sarcastically."Let's see. Let's see if Leila will believe you or me. I can't wait to see you there."

She immediately cut the call.

"Kayla..."She went home and threw the phone on the ground.

"Thanks Astha."She said and gave her the phone.

"You're welcome."

"I can't believe Leila could befriend a hypocrite like her. She has to see the real Janette."

"But Kayla."She sat down."Why do you hate her like that?"

"She almost killed me and faked it was my own ignorance."She said."I was very young by then."

"But why?"

"I caught her stealing Leila's bracelet father gave to her. I decided to report to Leila but before that she held my hair and pushed me into the pool which was three and half meters deep."

"Oh my."

"She ran to call my parents and told them I wanted to enter the pool and my own ignorance overcame me."

"I defended but they did not believe me. I even told Leila but she believed Janette. It was my dad who was there to believe me.
Cause he was there when I told Janette about me reporting her."

"Sorry."She hugged her."I know how you feel Kayla."

"If I had a sister who could believe me in any situation,I wouldn't have been so heartless like this."

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