Chapter 49

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Leila quite felt suspicious of Janette but she did not know why. She had been her childhood friend.

So she just threw the phone aside and went to change for bed

The next day........

Everyone had been called to see Leinali at the grand hall.

"Petra came here this evening."Tyson said."She tried to harm Lucy."

"Are you alright?"Leila asked.

"Yes."She said."She said he was not human and that he's a demon. Is that true?"

Suddenly,the room became silent and the thought in Lucy's head began to tell.

"No. "Zenith said."Tyson is a human like us. She will only deceive you."

"How will you know?"Kayla asked."Do you know that bitch that well?"

"Kayla!"Ezra shouted, surprising her."He does not so please stop asking such questions."

"And were you the one I was asking?"

"Let's not catch to the chase here. Why won't we discuss on how to find Leila's mother."Astha said.

"She's my mom too."Kayla said a bit betrayed."Why do you guys always say that in Leila's name? Don't you know it hurts?"

"And here I thought she was tough."Ezra said to himself.

She stormed out leaving the rest.

Kayla headed to her room and went to the mirror.
"Why am I always placed aside?"She asked."Am I being left aside?"

As she looked at herself,a figure of a man was seen.
Kayla rather ignored it and still stared until the figure came clearer.

"You're hurt."He said and held her reflection's shoulder."I can help."

Kayla immediately went back panting.She was about to run when he continued.

"I have your mother."He said and showed her mother to her.

"Mom."She said in tears and went to the mirror.

"I will give her to you if you either kill your sister or keep her in this room where I will exchange her for your mother."

"I can't do that."She replied."I can't kill my sister."

"And I thought you loved your mother."He said stroking her reflection's hair.
"You can live in peace with her for the rest of your life and your sister....she will be here with me. Think about that carefully."

For some minutes, Kayla began to think of how she would live with Susan without Leila and all the happiness she would get.

But she also thought of the negative effect of what can happen if she gave Leila to him.

She made her decision and that made her smile quite darkly.

"I will."She said."I will give her to you. You can do whatever you want with her."

"Good."He said."Once I have her,you will get what you deserve... Kayla."

"How did you know my name?"

"I can do wonders. This is not one of them."

"And where have you taken my mother?"Kayla asked.

"Well....I will tell you if I can see that I can put my trust in you."

"Try me."She said.

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