Chapter 107

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"Are you ready?"Leinali asked Zenith.

"I have to. I can't let this pass before me."He answered.


Meanwhile Susan had eavesdropped on what they said.


Kayla under the summer hut called her friend Stephanie.

Those two really conversed well until Susan came with an angry face approaching her.

"I'll call you back."She said and cut the call.

"Kayla talk to your sister."She said angrily."She's involving herself into things people are not supposed to be involved into."

"She's grown."Kayla replied."She can do whatever she wants. Why would I block her path?"

But she was correct. Indeed Leila had grown and that was literal.

With that she breathed." You are her sister. Just speak some sense in her."

She then turned."It seems I pampered her too much."

Without wasting much time, Susan went and Kayla,as usual, speechless.


Later in the afternoon.......

Kayla secretly went to her headquarters.
There she stayed there and observed what was going on.

She saw Leila who paced up and down thinking about something.

"Hope they've found the meaning."She said."But what could it mean?"


"What meaning."Kayla said and came closer."And what is she talking about?"

There she remembered what Susan said to her and with that,she nodded her head in disagreement.

"People and fantasies."


As she watched,she saw a dark figure pass around the house.

At first,she wasn't sure but as she closely watched the screen,it became visible.

Immediately,she ran outside to call Leila only to see the house staring at her.

"And where is she?"She said frustratingly.

Quickly,she went into Leila's room and opened.

"Kayla."Leila said surprisingly."What the hell?"

"We have to leave."Kayla said, panting heavily."Someone's here."

Leila nodded her head in reply and they went outside as she lead the way.

As soon as she got out,the door automatically closed with Kayla inside.
The curtains too released by itself making the whole room dark.

"Who is there?"She said.

"Kayla!"Leila shouted."What are you doing in there?"

"I can't get out."She replied."Just call mom or someone."

"Wait I have a masters key."Leila said.

"Open the door now!"Kayla screamed but even the masters key did not work.

"Didn't you say you had a masters key?"

"I've opened it but the door is still closed. It's as if someone is holding the door."

Out of frustration, Kayla stroked her hair and made her way to the window but the window closed by itself and there she knew indeed someone was here.

"Could it be Elias?"She asked with panic as she saw a shadow coming towards her." can't be...."


"Hello."A female voice said."Remember me?"

"You. You're the maid. You were the one who bumped into me."She said,shocked."You're the woman beside Edgar."

"Well done."Petra praised her."Well I didn't come to kill you. I've come to take you with me."She said."Either we go the easy way or the hard way. It's your choice."

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